On-line Safety and Student
I understand there are certain rules I need to follow when I am online.
Keep Personal Information Private Don’t give out: Your name Address Telephone number School Teacher’s or parent’s name, address, or telephone number
PASSWORD Keep Passwords Secret Do not give to anyone Even best friends Exceptions—teachers or parents Change your password often
I will not send pictures… Of myself Of others Unless I have my teacher’s or a parent’s permission
Ask for permission from teachers or parents before filling out any form or requesting personal information.
Tell your teacher or parents if: You see bad language or pictures on the Internet Anyone makes you feel nervous or uncomfortable online
Never agree to “get together” with someone you “meet” online Tell teachers or parents if ANYONE asks to meet you. If your teacher or parent agrees a meeting is appropriate, they can: Arrange to accompany you Help determine what public place would be acceptable
Do Not Use Bad Language Online
Practice Smart Computing I will watch for viruses on disks, in downloads, and attachments. I will give credit to authors and online resources I use in my in my own writing.
Be a Good Online Citizen Do not participate in any activity: Hurtful to others Against my school’s rules Against the law