Peer Learning Event on EVIDENCE-BASED POLICY-MAKING IN GUIDANCE – INCREASING THE VOICE OF YOUNG ADULTS IN DEVELOPING EDUCATION-TO-WORK TRANSITIONS Cedefop, Thessaloniki November 2007 PLENARY SESSION 19 November 2007 TOPIC 1: EU Communication on Promoting young people´s full participation in education, employment and society Mr Mika Launikari Lifelong Guidance Project Manager European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Cedefop Tel
INTRODUCTION STARTING POINTS Social exclusion and unemployment of young people constitute a waste of human capital and create a social and economic cost More opportunities to learn, but less established pathways Child poverty, poor health, school drop-out, unemployment, role of the family Stronger partnership between EU and young people needed PROGRESS TO DATE A need for a transversal youth strategy in Europe: stronger cooperation between policy fields impacting on youth and a greater focus on youth in such policies European Youth Act (2005) gives special attention to young people within the Lisbon Strategy White Paper on Youth (2001)
BETTER AND MORE EDUCATION FOR ALL YOUNG PEOPLE Education is crucial for young people´s transitions into the labour market and successful participation in society -> key competences to be developed LLL strategies to prioritise quality and quantity of investment to early childhood education Developing counselling to avoid mismatches between education outcomes and labour market requirements Labour market relevance and attractiveness of VET Implementation of European Qualifications Framework Young people´s access to mobility and LLL
YOUTH AND EMPLOYMENT: A CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE Young adults unemployment often turns into long-term unemployment or inactivity Youth unemployment long regarded as a temporary phenomenon in the transition from education to the labour market Too many youngsters arrive at the threshold of the labour market with insufficient qualifications -> temporary, part-time, low-paid employment RECOMMENDATIONS Improving flexicurity: easy hiring - easy firing (flexibility for employers); high level of benefits for the unemployed (security for employees) Internships linked to the training or study curriculum Promoting entrepreneurship education as a key competence Increased use of EU funds and programmes for supporting young people´s transition from education to employment
USING THE FULL POTENTIAL OF ALL SOCIAL INCLUSION of youth with a migrant/ethnic background or from disadvantaged minorities (e.g. Roma); young children in poverty; pupils living in disadvantaged areas; early school leavers; disabled young people; etc. -> Promoting equal opportunities for all children and young people GENDER IMBALANCES: young women are overrepresented among the unemployed whereas young men among the early school leavers -> Eliminating gender stereotypes in education, culture and employment BETTER HEALTH: Young people´s health influenced by family, school and social circumstances -> Commission will prepare a new health strategy in 2007 with support actions for young people
ACTIVE YOUNG CITIZENS For a strengthened partnership the Commission invites the European Institutions and young people to reinforce their partnership in a joint declaration invites the European Youth Forum to voice the concerns of young people with fewer opportunities and of those who are not members of any organisation will draw up an EU report on youth every three years For participation the Commission invites MS to implement the objectives within the youth OMC uses EU programmes for promoting young people´s participation For voluntary activities the Commission invites MS to encourage and recognise volunteering of young people
Peer Learning Event on EVIDENCE-BASED POLICY-MAKING IN GUIDANCE – INCREASING THE VOICE OF YOUNG ADULTS IN DEVELOPING EDUCATION-TO-WORK TRANSITIONS Cedefop, Thessaloniki November 2007 TOPIC 2: USER-CENTRED APPROACH TO QUALITY ASSURANCE As described in the forthcoming Cedefop study on EUROPE AND THE SHIFT TOWARDS LIFELONG GUIDANCE – A synthesis report on progress in implementing the Council resolution
-EVIDENCE INCIDATE: Not many comprehensive systems that set out to assure quality in the delivery of guidance services by drawing on the full range of strategies and approaches (administrative-, practitioner-, user-centred). -USER-CENTRED SYSTEMS: to give users more direct power over the control of the guidance services that they receive and as service recipients a) to determine whether service standards have been attained and/or b) to be involved in the design, management and evaluation of guidance services and products -AN INCREASING TREND IN THE EU is to consult users of guidance on their satisfaction or otherwise in relation to services received -> No examples of purely consumer-led Quality Assurance models available -PES set out to guarantee citizens´ rights for quality, proximity, persona- lisation and individualisation of public services