COACH’S EYE Ian Stickel
WHAT IS IT? Coach’s Eye is an app available on both android and apple markets Allows coaches and instructors to film athletes Coaches and instructors can then review the videos in slow motion or at normal speed The athlete can then see the footage and how they can improve their form
WHAT CAN IT DO? The app comes with a variety of drawing tools to help illustrate ideas to athletes This app can help fine tune athletes to Reduce overuse injuries Allow athletes to produce more speed and power Stores videos in a cloud Allows videos to be accessed later from anywhere A demonstration of use can be seen herehere
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Cloud storage and access costs $10 per month Subscription comes with 150GB of cloud storage space HD video backup, sharing, and exporting The full access app costs $19.99 App comes with Use on up to 5 registered devices Slow motion video capture All available drawing tools and shapes The app can be purchased on the app market or on the developers websitewebsite
HOW WILL IT HELP US? At our school, this app could be used by all 5 of our physical education teachers The videos could then be shared with coaches, athletes, and the athletic director Teachers will be able to film students during actions They can then show students appropriate angles that actions should be preformed at to lessen risks of injuries over time