The California Environmental Quality Act and Greenhouse Gas Emissions SB97 and the Proposed Amendments to the State CEQA Guidelines on Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in CEQA Documents
California Natural Resources Agency Policy Background AB32 and CEQA Comment Letters SB97 Analysis of the effects of greenhouse gas emissions Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
California Natural Resources Agency Policy Background Policy Drivers Traditional CEQA Rules Apply Lead Agency Retains Traditional Discretion GHG Emissions are a Cumulative Problem GHG Emissions Should be Addressed at a Programmatic Level
California Natural Resources Agency Determining Significance Quantitative, Qualitative, or Both Careful judgment, good faith effort Based on scientific and factual data “in the context of a particular project” Increase or Decrease Emissions? Any Applicable Threshold? Consistent with an Applicable Plan? New §
California Natural Resources Agency Mitigation Traditional Rules Still Apply Feasible, based on substantial evidence, capable of monitoring Measures identified in a plan or program Project Design Features Off-site measures, offsets not otherwise required Sequestration Development of Measures to be Implemented on a Project-Specific Basis New §
California Natural Resources Agency Use of Plans Cumulative Impacts Analysis Plans or regulations that address the cumulative effect (§ 15064(h)(3)) Summary of Projections (§ 15130(d)) Existing Setting (§ 15125) Incorporation by Reference (§ 15150)
California Natural Resources Agency Tiering and Streamlining Use Information in an Existing Document Tiering (§ 15152, PRC § 21093, 21094) Program EIRs (§ 15168) Don’t Need to Repeat Analysis GP (§ 15183, PRC § ) Specific Plan (§ 15182, Gov. Gode, § 65457) Don’t Need to Do Analysis Transit Priority Projects (PRC § ) Mixed Use Projects (PRC § )
California Natural Resources Agency Plan for the Reduction of GHGs New § (b) Plan “should” contain at least the following elements: Quantify GHG emissions within a defined area Establish a level where GHG emissions are not cumulatively considerable Identify emissions from Plan activities Specify measures to achieve the specified emissions level Monitor progress and amend if necessary; Adopt in a public process following environmental review
California Natural Resources Agency Adaptation? Revised Section (a): Similarly, the EIR should evaluate the impacts of locating development in other areas susceptible to hazardous conditions (e.g., floodplains, coastlines, wildfire risk areas) as identified in authoritative hazard maps, risk assessments or in land use plans addressing such hazards areas. Subject to limitations on forecasting, speculation
California Natural Resources Agency Amendments to the Appendices Appendix F “Shall” analyze energy impacts “Lifecycle” references removed Appendix G Forestry Resources GHG Traffic/Transportation
California Natural Resources Agency Next Steps Effective Date: March 18, 2010 State CEQA Guidelines § Documents already out for public review need not be revised Agencies must update their own implementation procedures
California Natural Resources Agency References California Climate Change Center Cool California CAPCOA Model Policies ICLEI Local Governments
California Natural Resources Agency Contacts and Additional Information Kirk Miller, Deputy Secretary and Chief Counsel Heather Baugh, Assistant General Counsel Ian Peterson, Assistant Planner Christopher Calfee, Best Best & Krieger LLP