Basic MRI Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Musculoskeletal MRI Indications Sport related injuries Mensical abnormalities Osteonecrosis Bone marrow abnormalities Soft tissue masses
Musculoskeletal MRI Advantages Superior soft tissue contrast Mutliplanar Non invasive No ionizing radiation
Musculoskeletal MRI Disadvantages Expensive Limited availability Claustrophobia
Musculoskeletal MRI Disadvantages Artifacts (Metal foreign objects) Relatively long examination Calcifications
FAT Bone marrow Blood Contrast
Air Cortical bone Tendon Ligament Blood vessels
Muscles Hyaline Cartilage Fluid
MRI Knee
Patellar tendon ACL
Lateral Meniscus Medial Meniscus Lateral Medial Meniscus Meniscus Lateral Medial Meniscus Meniscus Crescent shaped fibro-cartilage. Their main functions are shock absorption and load – bearing.
MRI the Shoulder
MRI Shoulder Indications Rotator cuff tear Shoulder instability Osteonecrosis Infection Neoplasm
What is the rotator cuff? A group of flat tendons that surround the front, back, and top of the shoulder joint like a cuff on a shirt sleeve
Rotator cuff muscles Supraspinatous Infraspinatous Teres minor Subscapularis
neurovascular bundle
infraspinatus subscapularis biceps tendon deltoid
subscapularis tendon long head of the biceps teres minor muscle infraspinatus suprapinatus
subscapularis tendon glenoid labrum bicipital tendon
Acromion Clavicle Subscapularis
MRI of the Ankle
MRI Ankle: Why? Ligament Tendon Articular cartilage Infection Soft tissue masses Bone marrow
Ankle Ligaments Lateral collateral Medial collateral Syndesmotic ligamentous complex
Lateral Collateral Ligament Anterior talofibular Posterior talofibular Calcaneofibular ligament
Talofibular ligaments
Calcaneofibular ligament
Copyright ©Radiological Society of North America, 2000 Rosenberg, Z. S. et al. Radiographics 2000;20:S153-S179 No Caption Found Normal calcaneofibular ligament
Deltoid ligament
MRI of the Hip Joint
Sartorius muscle
Iliacus muscle
Rectus femoris muscle
Tensor fascia lata