Overview The cereal that I created is a hockey related product which is trying to create awareness and advertise for the fans of the NHL. Our cereal is whole-grain, incorporated with sugar coated hockey sticks and hockey pucks as marshmallows, with bits of nutritious oats. We are trying to incorporate our cereal into a balanced breakfast for kids to help them do well and have enough energy to play the sports that they love.
Goal & Objective Our goal for our product NHL “Slap Shots” is to boost cereal related sales and increase general revenue. We want to create a fun and exciting cereal that all kids across Canada can enjoy, while watching and enjoying real Hockey all over Canada! Part of our main objective is to Increase the brand awareness for our Cereal and the sport of Hockey. We want to increase our brand awareness by at least %50.
Consumer Analysis Primary Market: Our primary target market are children from the ages of 6-12 years old, male and female. We want them to buy our good to make them feel happy and have fun while they eat it. They are able to buy our cereal Online or In-stores. Secondary Market: Our secondary market targets young adults from the ages of years old, male and female. Young adults may be more interested to buy it because they play the sport of hockey and also they may buy it because they look up to Hockey players in the NHL already. You would be able to pay with Cash or debit.
Promotional Goal & Message Our promotional goal is to create awareness for our cereal and to advertise NHL Hockey, Increasing our brand and cereal sales. We want to Increase brand awareness of our cereal, and to boost sales for hockey to show that hockey is a fun sport that everyone can enjoy by watching, eating, and playing. They will be able to see ad’s of our product on TV and the Radio, also during the broadcast of Live NHL games.
Pricing Strategies The pricing strategy that I have chosen to market my product in grocery stores all across Canada Is Loss Leader Pricing. I am using this pricing strategy due to the fact that we are trying to sell our product at a very low price to attract customers to the store and to generate great amounts of profit and revenue. We generally try and market our products cheaper than our competitors prices to increase our profit margins.
Placement The stores and locations that carry our NHL brand “Slap Shots” cereal are at participating Metro, No frills, and Highland farms grocery stores. We chose these placement locations due to the fact that these are the grocery stores we found that our target market, children, visit the most to buy their cereal. We feel that if we target these specific placements, that we can generate and boost our sales greatly.
S.W.O.T Analysis Internal Strengths: Our cereal has branding from the NHL. It’s exciting and fun for kids to eat. Creates interest and advertises Hockey as the only hockey cereal available. Weaknesses: Nutritional value questioned with high sugar content. People who don’t like Hockey won’t buy our cereal. External Opportunities: Other sports brands who may copy our cereal design. Other cereals could be a healthier alternative. Threats: Creates business from people who watch and like Hockey. Create joint ventures (contests) with NHL Hockey players.
Target Positioning The positioning that I chose is target positioning, we are trying to target the consumer segment of NHL Hockey fans. I am mostly targeting our cereal to children and young adults that like to watch or play hockey. We hope to generate new fans for the sport so that our cereal brand can grow and become something amazing.
Logo & Branding The logo for our NHL brand “Slap Shots” cereal is a pair of crossed hockey sticks with a puck between them with the NHL Shield. This will let our customers know that our product is related to Hockey. The slogan for our “Slap Shots” cereal is “Eat like a pro” meaning that all kids should have the chance to grow up and be like their favorite NHL star they grew up admiring. We think that every child should have the opportunity to do well in sports with well enough encouragement.
Survey Questions Some of the survey questions that we asked to potential customers are: Do you play Hockey? Do you like to watch Hockey? Would you try a cereal that relates to Hockey? Such as “Slap Shots?” How often do you buy cereal? What’s your current favorite cereal? And does our cereal make you Interested in the sport of Hockey?