In order to know what your responsibilities are, it is important to know what your roles in life are & to recognize that different roles carry different responsibility.
Once you know your roles, responsibility is a matter of responding to the people & events that intersect those roles.
Many teenagers are students, teammates, co-workers, brothers, sisters, & community members. What are your duties & responsibilities as a person of character within each of the roles you play?
CLASS ACTIVITY Discuss the responsibilities you carry in the various roles: 1.A student 2.A daughter or son at home 3.A teammate in a sport or a member of a club 4.A co-worker at a job 5.A friend 6.A citizen in your community
What is responsibility? It is a sign of maturity. It is the ability to choose your response. Highly responsible people know what is expected & do it. Responsible people empower themselves by taking control
4 key dimensions of one’s life that each individual is responsible for: Physical dimension Mental dimension Emotional dimension The Soul
Physical Dimension You are responsible for the following items that fall within the “physical dimension.” a. Exercise b. Eating healthy c. Sleeping well d. Relaxing
Mental Dimension Not only is important to stay alert at school, there are many things that you can do to sharpen your mind. Don’t let coming to school be your only source of education. What are some activities that you can do to sharpen your mind outside of school?
Emotional Dimension It is important to have good relationships with others.
The Soul The soul is the private part of your life. Whether you write poetry, read inspirational books, play an musical instrument, or listen to uplifting music, you are participating in soul-nourishing techniques.
Key concepts for responsibility: Know & do your duty Be accountable Keep commitments Make no excuses Do your best
Know & Do Your Duty One example of this is that it is a citizen’s responsibility to know the laws & obey them. Another example is that it is a student’s responsibility to know assignments & projects that are due & to complete them on time.
Be Accountable Responsibility is making tough decisions, carrying them out & accepting the implications.
Keep Commitments Keeping commitments begins with choosing commitments carefully - knowing how much you can handle so that you do not let other people down & also, to learn to say “NO” when necessary.
Make No Excuses To make excuses is to blame the circumstances on someone else for your own failure. True responsibility is recognizing an unfulfilled commitment, accepting responsibility & not blaming others.
Do Your Best While it is true that not everyone has the same abilities, everyone must make the most of the talents that they have. Giving anything less than your best cheats both you & those who depend on you. Always demonstrate responsibility by doing your best.
CLASS ACTIVITY Discuss your responsibilities in the following scenarios.
Scenario #1 You are in a parking lot & you bump someone’s car pulling out. You leave a dent & a streak of paint. What role are you playing & what are your responsibilities in this situation?
Scenario #2 You have been absent from class for several days & have asked the teacher to provide you with the work that you have missed. The teacher forgets about your request & fails to give you the assignments. When progress reports come out, you are upset, because your grade is low. You blame the teacher & the teacher blames you. Who is responsible for this situation?
Scenario #3 You are at lunch & you overhear another group discussing a plan to destroy school property. Their plan may or may not result in the injury of fellow classmates. What is your responsibility as a citizen of the school community?
RESPONSIBILITY- It’s Your Choice!!
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