Key National Issues: FEMA Safety of Response PersonnelSafety of Response Personnel Restoration of Financial District OperationsRestoration of Financial District Operations Debris Management StrategyDebris Management Strategy Urban Search and RescueUrban Search and Rescue 3
Mission Planning Overview Emergency PowerEmergency Power Debris ManagementDebris Management Structural Safety AssessmentStructural Safety Assessment Support to Urban Search and RescuceSupport to Urban Search and Rescuce 4
Situation (USACE and FEMA Actions) New England District (NAE) Region 1 ROC at Boston, MA NORTH ATLANTIC DIVISION (NAD) New York District (NAN) NAB RRV 2 at Fort Hamilton, NY Region 2 ROC at Edison, NJ ERT-A at Edison, NJ Region 3 ROC at Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia District (NAP) Baltimore District (NAB) ERT-A at Arlington, VA SAM DTOC 2 at Pier 92, Manhattan, NY 5
Situation (FEMA Actions) Region 1 ROC activated at Boston, MARegion 1 ROC activated at Boston, MA Region 2 ROC (Alternate) activated at Edison, NJRegion 2 ROC (Alternate) activated at Edison, NJ Region 3 ROC relocated to Philadelphia, PARegion 3 ROC relocated to Philadelphia, PA ERT-A relocating to Pier 92, Manhattan, NYERT-A relocating to Pier 92, Manhattan, NY –14 Sep ERT-A activated at Arlington, VAERT-A activated at Arlington, VA 6
Situation (USACE Actions) NAN Declared Victim District by NAD CommanderNAN Declared Victim District by NAD Commander USACE Personnel ManningUSACE Personnel Manning –FEMA EST –ESF-3 Cell Region ROC 1, 2, 3Region ROC 1, 2, 3 ERT-A Edison, NJ and Arlington, VAERT-A Edison, NJ and Arlington, VA Rapid Response Vehicles in SupportRapid Response Vehicles in Support –NAB RRV 2 arrived at Fort Hamilton. NY –LRN RRV 3 deploying 14 Sep to Fort Hamilton, NY 249th Prime Power249th Prime Power –A Prime Power Assessment Team deployed to Arlington, VA and to Edison, NJ SAM DTOC-2 deployed at Pier 92, Manhattan, NYSAM DTOC-2 deployed at Pier 92, Manhattan, NY Structural Assessment & Debris PRTStructural Assessment & Debris PRT –NAB debris PRT at Edison, NJ –LRL debris PRT deploying to Arlington, VA - 14 Sep –15 Structural Assessment personnel arrived at Edison, NJ - 13 Sep 7
Mission PRT Alert Status 8
FEMA Mission Status 9 Total Authorization$6.55m
CCIR USACE Employee StatusUSACE Employee Status CommunicationsCommunications Structural Specialist to AugmentStructural Specialist to Augment Urban Search and Rescue Urban Search and Rescue GAO Building SecurityGAO Building Security 10
Commander’s Critical Information Requirements HQSHQS LRDLRD MVDMVD NADNAD NWDNWD PODPOD SADSAD SPDSPD SWDSWD HNCHNC TACTAC 249th249th Employees Employees Communications G G G R G G G G G G G G 16 A R A A R A A A A A A A HF Radio STU Commercial Phone Lines 11
GAO Building Security Level 4 – Highest LevelLevel 4 – Highest Level All bags go through Metal DetectorAll bags go through Metal Detector Visitors must have Form 65 submitted to Security in advanceVisitors must have Form 65 submitted to Security in advance No one can enter by foot through parking garageNo one can enter by foot through parking garage 12
Personnel Support as of Sep 01 Personnel in Support of FEMA Missions (NY,VA) 13
249 th Engineers NY CityPentagon Personnel Ft. Belvoir Ft. Bragg Equipment 1500kw (1) 750kw (16) Sub/Stn’s (2) Yellow = deployed enroute Green = On site – untasked Red = On site - engaged 14
Activities/Issues BG Strock will escort Senator Jeffords, 3-4 other Senators & staff (12 total) on tour of Pentagon attack site 1000 hrs., 14 Sep.BG Strock will escort Senator Jeffords, 3-4 other Senators & staff (12 total) on tour of Pentagon attack site 1000 hrs., 14 Sep. SA questioned what USACE was doing to investigate hazardous materials in Pentagon. Possible DA task for USACE to investigate.SA questioned what USACE was doing to investigate hazardous materials in Pentagon. Possible DA task for USACE to investigate. Complete expansion and accreditation of SIPRNET.Complete expansion and accreditation of SIPRNET. 15
Future Operations Communication at NAD Complete accountability for NAN Personnel Brief Pentagon repair mission concept to SEC Army PAO plan brief to Chief Submit reserve requirements request Continue development of Pentagon renovation plan Reconstitution of NAN 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours 16 Contingency Operation: plan reaction to future incidents
Security & Intelligence Areas Of Interest DEFCON: No ChangeDEFCON: No Change Force Protection Condition:Force Protection Condition: –JFCOM, EUCOM, PACOM, SOUTHCOM: CHARLIE –CENTCOM: DELTA Threat Status:Threat Status: –CONUS : HIGH High profile, symbolic targetsHigh profile, symbolic targets –OCONUS: HIGH EUCOM, CENTCOMEUCOM, CENTCOM USACE FP Status:USACE FP Status: –Continue coordination with EST to match USACE posture with BR, Parks Service, other Federal agencies UNCLASSIFIEDR R R R G 17