Examples of the Roles of Government 1.Support a legal system and protect property rights – Rome had an extensive system of laws created to protect the rights of free people. – Roman law influenced legal systems well after Rome’s fall. L ESSON 10 – F ALL OF R OME F OCUS M IDDLE S CHOOL W ORLD H ISTORY © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY
Examples of the Roles of Government 2. Provide public goods (such as national defense) – Rome’s military was an important aspect of the Empire’s success. – Through taxpayer support, the military was designed to protect all Roman citizens from outside forces. – Public goods have two characteristics: Shareable Not excludable L ESSON 10 – F ALL OF R OME F OCUS M IDDLE S CHOOL W ORLD H ISTORY © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY
Examples of the Roles of Government 3. Maintain competition in markets – Early Rome encouraged free trade. – The Roman government protected private individuals so they could decide how to use their income and profits. Competition lowered prices and helped increase the variety and amount of goods, services, and resources available. L ESSON 10 – F ALL OF R OME F OCUS M IDDLE S CHOOL W ORLD H ISTORY © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY
Examples of the Roles of Government 4. Redistribute income through tax collection and government programs – Programs like bread production were subsidized or partly paid for by all taxpayers, but only a small group could get the subsidized bread. – Horse and chariot races (also called circuses) and gladiator competitions were sponsored by the government. For a variety of reasons, only a few citizens actually participated. L ESSON 10 – F ALL OF R OME F OCUS M IDDLE S CHOOL W ORLD H ISTORY © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY
Other Causes of Fall of Rome External military threats People fleeing the Empire due to the invasion of diseases and plagues Climate change Rapid inflation The spread of Christianity Overall moral decay L ESSON 10 – F ALL OF R OME F OCUS M IDDLE S CHOOL W ORLD H ISTORY © C OUNCIL FOR E CONOMIC E DUCATION, N EW Y ORK, NY