FOI Retreat: July 2008 USING THE NEXT 6 MONTHS EFFECTIVELY Format: USING THE NEXT 6 MONTHS EFFECTIVELY Format: Likely types of FOI requests – the need for preparation Likely types of FOI requests – the need for preparation Monitoring progress on implementing your FOI Action Plan - a checklist Monitoring progress on implementing your FOI Action Plan - a checklist Proposed changes to your documentation practices Proposed changes to your documentation practices
FOI Requests that are likely to be received - background Feedback from the Baseline Assessments & FOI experience in other countries indicate that all public authorities should expect to receive FOI requests. Feedback from the Baseline Assessments & FOI experience in other countries indicate that all public authorities should expect to receive FOI requests. Many of the issues identified are not new to some CIG agencies. However, with FOI, all agencies should be prepared. Many of the issues identified are not new to some CIG agencies. However, with FOI, all agencies should be prepared.
Most likely FOI requests: Individuals requesting personal records and recruitment panel reports. Note: HR records are the responsibility of public authorities Individuals requesting personal records and recruitment panel reports. Note: HR records are the responsibility of public authorities Requests for commercially sensitive information, especially: Requests for commercially sensitive information, especially: Agencies that provide a commercial service. Agencies that provide a commercial service. Agencies involved with tendering and contracting services. Agencies involved with tendering and contracting services. Requests to see how decisions were made, especially: Requests to see how decisions were made, especially: Requests to see Board minutes. Requests to see Board minutes. Requests to see Board reports on which decisions are based. Requests to see Board reports on which decisions are based.
Most likely FOI requests (cont): Requests related to public expenditure, e.g.: Requests related to public expenditure, e.g.: Travel expenses, especially of senior personnel. Travel expenses, especially of senior personnel. Personal expenses of key staff. Personal expenses of key staff. Communication costs. Communication costs. The cost of consultants. The cost of consultants. Requests to see how policy is developed, especially reports, consultation papers and statistical data. Requests to see how policy is developed, especially reports, consultation papers and statistical data. Requests for audit reports. These could include financial audits, HR audits. Requests for audit reports. These could include financial audits, HR audits. Requests concerning topical issues, such as: Requests concerning topical issues, such as: At budget time. At budget time. At the time of critical Board meetings. At the time of critical Board meetings. Around the time of permit application decisions. Around the time of permit application decisions. When sensitive issues hit the news. When sensitive issues hit the news.
How to monitor progress on your plan: REPORTING CHECKLIST Reporting period & reporting officer Reporting period & reporting officer Job Descriptions updated Job Descriptions updated Staff Training Staff Training ROs (by CINA). IMs (by FOI Unit): ROs (by CINA). IMs (by FOI Unit): Sensitisation for all staff Sensitisation for all staff Customer-facing staff training Customer-facing staff training IM network participation IM network participation Publication Scheme Publication Scheme Organising information & files Organising information & files Review of documentation Review of documentation Testing phase (November) Testing phase (November)
HR Guidelines: Examples of changes to HR documentation practices Day-to-day documentation practices need to be adapted: Day-to-day documentation practices need to be adapted: HR memos: Try to refer to one person in each memo e.g. in remuneration memos HR memos: Try to refer to one person in each memo e.g. in remuneration memos Minutes & reports: Keep confidential matters to a specific section (or annexes) of minutes & reports to aid redaction Minutes & reports: Keep confidential matters to a specific section (or annexes) of minutes & reports to aid redaction Coding systems: Use a standard recruitment and selection recording system which does not identify individuals so that information can be released without amendment. Coding systems: Use a standard recruitment and selection recording system which does not identify individuals so that information can be released without amendment. Internal HR forms & processes: Use standard CIG forms & processes which are FOI compliant. Be cautious about developing one-off internal ones. Internal HR forms & processes: Use standard CIG forms & processes which are FOI compliant. Be cautious about developing one-off internal ones.
MEETING OF………. Held at …… 3.00pm, Wednesday … July 200… MINUTES 1. Attendance 2. Apologies 3. Urgent business 4. Confirmation of last meeting minutes 5. Matters arising 6. Confidential Agenda Items 1. Security Briefing ……..noted that the there is currently no evidence of the use of strawberry methamphetamines in the islands……... The remainder of the briefing is excluded from this document in accordance with in accordance with exemptions contained section …… of the Cayman Islands Freedom of Information Law, Personnel Matters the retirement age in the Cayman Islands is 65…….. The remainder of the discussion on this item is excluded from the minutes in accordance with exemptions contained section …… of the Cayman Islands Freedom of Information Law, Agenda Item 1 8. Agenda Item 2 etc 9. Other Business 10. Closure 11. Next meeting :
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