By: Sharon m Draper power point made by: Emma Ferguson Out of my mind Melody’s pink wheelchair By: Sharon m Draper power point made by: Emma Ferguson
This is Sharon m draper Author
Summery There is a girl named Melody and she can’t talk or walk (she was born like this). Her sister Penney loves there dog Butterscotch but Butterscotch loves Melody because She does not ride her like a pony. Ms. V their neighbor takes care of Melody and Penny after school and days sometimes on no school days also.
Characters Melody Mom Dad Penny Mrs.V Conner Catherine Rose Mr. Dimming
Other books she wrote Just another hero Sassy Copper sun Forged by fire Tears of a Tiger Romiette and julio Clubhouse mysteries darkness before dawn Activity pack November blues Fire from a rock
Character traits Melody: Very smart, kind, a little funny when she wants to. Mom: polite, patient, loving, smart Dad: funny, kind, smart, Ms.V: nice, smart, and kind Penny: energetic, nice, loving, helpful Catherine: nice, caring, helpful Rose: nice, smart, and thinks she's cool Conner: very good with math, very funny, nice Mr. Dimming: smart, good with kids
Setting At home in school At the Aquarium At the wiz kids place airport
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