Award for Award for Excellent Performance in Excellent Performance in English Week Competition Spring Semester,2009 English Week Competition Spring Semester,2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Award for Award for Excellent Performance in Excellent Performance in English Week Competition Spring Semester,2009 English Week Competition Spring Semester,2009

 G1 Songs and Chants AwardGroup Best Group Award Popcorn Gummy Bear Best Performance Award Donut Jelly Bean Best Energy Award Chocolate Marshmallow Best Spirit Award Lollipop Ice Cream

G2 Story Telling Competition Exceptional Performance Award G2 Story Telling Competition Exceptional Performance Award GroupClassName Jupiter 201, 202 Johnny 何治緯、 Banker 柳基昱、 Mark 吳名澤 Jupiter202Tiffany 錢品宜、 April 林品涵 Neptune203Selina 蕭宇雯、 Apple 鍾汶

G2 Story Telling Competition Excellent Performance Award G2 Story Telling Competition Excellent Performance Award GroupClassName Mercury201Catherine 林巧、 Paul 蘇葆 Mercury 201, 202 Ethan 洪以諾 、 Vivian 林羿彣 Venus 201, 202 Annabelle 呂佳捷、 Nicky 林孝錞、 Jerry 余紹圻、 Sharon 林紫姞、 Tiffany 葉嫚婷 Venus202Justin 賈鈞霖 Mars 201, 202 Towers 程遠韜、 Jimmy 徐愷均、 Robbie 陳致中、 Wilson 廖晏平 Mars201Candice 梁詠涵

G2 Story Telling Competition Excellent Performance Award G2 Story Telling Competition Excellent Performance Award GroupClassName Saturn 203, 204 Andy 許楷翔 、 Kevin 許楷綸 Saturn203Lin 林語青 、 Tristem 楊喆夫 Uranus204Long Long 繆宏 Uranus203Sophie 胡芯瑜 Neptune203Megen 許濰昕 Pluto204 Justin 李宗霖、 Teresa 林育廷、 Gary 裴梧軒 Pluto203 Trista 郭律廷、 Celine 穆伊柔 、 Melody 鄭淨予、 Winnie 吳玟霓

G3 Reading Competition Exceptional Performance Award GroupClassName Shark303Barbie 歐昱儀 Starfish301Bryan 黃祥瑋 Dolphin304Karen 陳品妤 Shark304Angela 王煜晴 Starfish301Judy 蔡昕庭

G3 Reading Competition Excellent Performance Award GroupClassName Swordfish302 Sean 林琮恩 Swordfish302 Angela 周晏竹 Sea lion302 Lydia 陳嘉茵 Sea lion301 Shinny 魏熹 Sea horse302 Angel 王品蘋 Sea horse301 Angela 陳品妍 Whale304 Danny 戴于軒 Whale304 Howard 黃浩鴻 Dolphin303 Thomas 朱原平 Beluga304 Jensen 鄧子靖 Beluga303 Megan 薛煒加

G3 Dictionary Competition Exceptional Performance Award GroupClassName Beluga304Richard 簡睿辰 Starfish301Alex 陳俊維 Beluga304Lin-Lin 陳宛璘

G4 Writing Competition Exceptional Performance Award GroupClassName Rose403Cloe 呂承妤 Rose402Sabrina 陳佳宜 Daisy403Elva 盧俞君

G4 Writing Competition Excellent Performance Award GroupClassName Sunflower402 Billy 郭伯毅 Sunflower403 John 黃敬虔 Sunflower402 Fenny 許方瑜 Tulip401 Joshus 張家豪 Tulip401 Grace 涂恩慈 Tulip403 Ashley 簡郡萱 Daisy401 Cindy 莊欣穎

G4 Writing Competition Excellent Performance Award GroupClassName Daisy402 Fandy 吳欣舫 Dandelion402 Jerry Y 楊旻諺 Dandelion401 Jennifer 盧錚 Dandelion402 Christine 陳悅予 Rose402 Ethan 林毅承