Aug. 23, 2011 re=related.


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Presentation transcript:

Aug. 23, 2011


1. He is the prophet who prophesied the virgin birth of Jesus Christ

A. Daniel B. Ezekiel C. Isaiah D. Jeremiah


2. The prophet who reveals prophecies regarding the destruction of Jerusalem and the Millenia Temple visions.

A. Daniel B. Ezekiel C. Isaiah D. Jeremiah


3. He was called the "Weeping prophet"

A. Daniel B. Ezekiel C. Isaiah D. Jeremiah


4. A prophet who was carried off to Babylon where he became famous for interpreting dreams and rose to become one of the most important figures in the court

A. Daniel B. Ezekiel C. Isaiah D. Jeremiah


5. What are the order of the four main prophets as written in the Old Testament?

Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel

Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel


-Miss Flores

What can you say about the picture?

Are we also sometimes like that?

To whom are we like that?

Why do we do that to them?

as found in the -as found in the Old Testament

LET’S WATCH THIS: ure=related

Who are our characters from the story?


Where did the story happen?

What happened on his journey?

What did the seamen do?

How long did Jonah stay in the belly of the big fish?

How would you describe God?

How would you describe the Whale?

If given the chance to choose one character from the story, WHO WOULD YOU BE AND WHY?

1. One by one, write your learning in the story in the blackboard. 2. If your answer is similar to the others, just put a line.


1. GO to your respective responsibility teams. 2. For 3 minutes, choose one of the challenges below: * Choose one part of the story that you like best and demonstrate it to class. If you are to end or change a part in the story, how would you present it? (An introduction should be made and there should be a reporter to explain why you chose it.)

Jesus, Almighty King of kings, You Who obeyed Your Father to the end, Teach me the meaning of obedience. My soul burns to comply to Your Will, Striving to charm Your Divinity. While my worldly nature seeks one way, My spiritual nature seeks another. Bless me with the strength to obey, That my soul may subdue both natures, Blending them as a fair aromatic bloom. I always seek favor in Your eyes, To always obey You until my last breath!