Thought-Form Interpretation of 1ARV Focus: “Entangle Truth” Session
1ARV Key Elements 2 Unitary ARV predictions, 1 on Each Side, forming a Team Unitary ARV Protocol Sessions (4 sessions) 1.RV (Remote View) 2.AJ (Analyze/Judge) 3.Wagering (Investing, Betting) 4.ET (Entangle Truth) + Thought-Form Interpretation
Thought-Form “Every thought gives rise to a set of correlated vibrations in the matter of this body … The body under this impulse throws off a vibrating portion of itself … and this gathers matter like itself in fineness from the elemental essence of the mental world. We have then a thought- form pure and simple, and it is a living entity of intense activity …” -AB_CWL.htm
ET (Entangle Truth) Session After the Actual Outcome Happens – Truth about the Outcome and Target are Consciously Known Begin the ET Session by putting these intellectual facts at the top of new sheet of paper. – Cool down and describe/sketch whatever information your sub provides. This creates a Thought-Form that will Remotely Influence Your RV Session – do this in a Joyful Educational Way knowing that the sub is entangling RV and ET information. PhotoSite Thought-Forms are the Target – When you look at a photograph of a physical site, your consciousness generates a thought-form of that site. (“Win Side” receives a photo in ) The thought-form contains RV-like information (the subjective aspects of sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, emotions) that you see and infer from the photo. – “Imaginary” PhotoSites also create thought-forms in the same fashion. (“Thank You Side” has the opportunity to receive any thing from their sub) Example: Imagine a PhotoSite of a basketball court with you shooting and making a basket from the free throw line. Your body reacts as it creates that thought-form. – The subconscious mind entangles RV and ET thought- forms, thereby permitting you to Remotely Influence you during your “earlier” RV Session…this is RI of Your Self
1 ARV Thought-Form Model Match “vibrations” as much as possible between the RV and ET Sessions Remote Viewing Session A PhotoSite “Thought-Form”, that you create in your ET Session, is the Target. Entangle Truth Session