III. Fluid Statics
Contents 1. Pressure in Static Fluid 2. Governing Equation 3. Units and Scales of Pressure 4. Pressure Measurement 5. Fluid Force on Plane Surface 6. Fluid Force on Curved Surface 7. Relative Equilibrium
1. Pressure in Static Fluid
There is only inward-normal stress (pressure) on any contact area at a point in static fluid
The magnitude of the pressure at any point in static fluid is independent of the direction
Forces Balance
Force Balance
1. 1.There is only inward-normal stress (pressure) on any contact area at a point in static fluid (by definition) 2. 2.The magnitude of the pressure at any point in static fluid is independent of the direction (by force balance) Stress state in static fluid can be described by a SCALAR
State of Stress In generalIn static fluids
2. Basic Equation
Forces on a fluid element
Force balance
Force Balance
Governing Equation
The gradient of pressure is balanced by the body force
In the case of conservative force Y = Force potential
When gravity force is the only external force ( z axis is vertically upward )
Let h = -z ( h is the depth below a datum ) Pressure in a static fluid is linearly proportional to the depth below a datum
z = constant Horizontal plane in static fluid is necessarily equi-pressure plane p = constant
? ?
Piezometric head in a static fluid is constant Position Head Pressure Head Piezometric head
1 2
3. Units and Scales of Pressure
Reference of pressure is taken at ZERO Absolute Pressure P A Relative Pressure P R Reference of pressure is taken at p 0 P R = Gage pressure P atm - P A = Vacuum pressure
Pressure measured by fluid force per unit area Pressure measured by equivalent height of liquid 1 atm = at = Pa = 760 mm Hg = m H 2 O Pressure measured by atmospheric pressure
4. Pressure Measurement
Piezometer h
Manometer h1h1h1h1 h2h2h2h2
Manometer for negative pressure h1h1h1h1 h2h2h2h2
Differential Manometer hBhBhBhB hAhAhAhA DhDhDhDh DzDzDzDz
5. Fluid Force on Plane Surface
x y
Centre of pressure
Example Rock-fill Porous Water Impermeable Curtain Impermeable Layer Concrete Cover 2 1 h l
Example On the slope On the bottom
6. Fluid Force on Curved Surface
S AzAz AxAx AyAy p
Fluid Force
Example 30° d
Horizontal Force No net force h
Vertical Force
Force Balance
Stability of Floating Bodies
7. Relative Equilibrium
Static state of fluid in a moving coordinate system is called relative equilibrium
Basic Equation D’Alembert’s Principle
Uniform Acceleration Equi-pressure surface
Uniform Rotation Equi-pressure surface