Problem-Based Learning Integrating 21 st Century Skills
Who Are We? Name School Grade/Content What do you want to get out of this class?
Housekeeping 8:00-4:30, 1 hour for lunch on your own Restrooms Aurora Credit—assignment due July 5 th –
Who Are We? Name School Grade/Content What do you want to get out of this class?
Course Description Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying (as defined by Edutopia). Participants in this course will: Understand what problem based learning is and what it isn’t Develop a problem-based unit of instruction incorporating content standards and technology standards Explore and evaluate technologies that support problem- based learning Collaborate with participants and share learning
The Week At A Glance MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Morning Welcome and Introductions "Housekeeping“ What is "Problem- Based Learning"? Try It Planning Template 21st Century Skills Unit Planning, Phase 1 Interactive Technologies Unit Planning, Phase 3 Putting It All Together Guided Work Time Afternoon PBL Project Sharing A Framework for Planning Organizing and Managing the PBL Classroom Instructional Strategies Unit Planning, Phase 2 Sharing Unit Planning, Phase 4 Sharing Unit Planning- Guided Work Time Sharing End Of Day, Prep For Tomorrow Reflection Reflection and Evaluation
Web Page
Turn and Talk What did you see/hear? How is this similar to what you do now? How is this different?
Problem-Based Learning Project- Based Learning Driving Question or Challenge Need to Know Inquiry and Innovation 21st Century Skills Student Voice and Choice Feedback and Revision
Creating schools for the 21st Century requires less time looking in the rearview mirror and more vision anticipating the road ahead. Teaching has been an activity undertaken behind closed doors between moderately consenting participants. Technology enables students, teachers, and administrators to reach out beyond the school building. Innovative classrooms are not defined by fixed places but by their spirit of curiosity and collaboration among students, teachers, and others in a true learning community. Excerpts from Edutopia
Problem/Inquiry Based Learning An inquiry process that resolves questions, curiosities, doubts, and uncertainties about complex phenomena in life. A problem is any doubt, difficulty or uncertainty that invites or needs some kind of resolution. We want students to become deeply involved in a quest for knowledge.
What is Problem-Based Learning? PBL is curriculum-fueled and standards-based. PBL asks a question or poses a problem that ALL students can consider and find answers. Concrete, hands-on experiences come together during problem-based learning. PBL allows students to investigate issues and topics in real-world problems. PBL fosters abstract, intellectual tasks to explore complex issues.
Let’s Try One Modified for a short term experience
Our scores in _______ have continued to decline over the last five years. The School Board would like to know and understand the research-based teaching strategies that would best address this issue system-wide. They have asked to see strategies modeled at the next School Board meeting. Upload your filmed presentation to YouTube so they can review multiple times on their own after the meeting
What are our learning goals? Find research-based learning strategies that best support your content area Collaborate with colleagues ( 21 st century skill) Create a media-based presentation (technology, real- world)
First…. Determine content area you are most interested in pursuing – Create groups of 3-4 On your own: – Research best-practice teaching strategies. With your team: – Collaborate with your team to compare and contrast your findings. – Come to consensus on the "best choice."
Next…. Plan your presentation – Include your justification/purpose for selecting the strategy – Storyboard and plan your shots Model the strategy from start to finish (tape using the FLIP camera) Use Windows Movie Maker to finish your presentation You will not be physically present at the presentation; be thorough in your filmed project
In your presentation: Provide an overview of the strategy chosen by your team. Summarize your team's "compare and contrast of other strategies" discussion. Justify your choice.
Resources Class website Research Based Teaching Strategies Planning for video-taping –Story Board –Types of shots How-to guides for –FLIP cameras –Windows Movie Maker
Debrief How was the experience for you? –What did you like? –What frustrated you? –What did the facilitator do to support you? –How would you have structured this differently? There was no formal assessment –What were the learning goals? –Did you reach them? –How would you build an assessment plan for this process?
Transformation The teacher cultivates a rich learning environment, where blending choice of technology tools with student-initiated investigations, discussions, compositions, or projects, across any content area, is promoted.
Let’s Look At Some More Examples Arizona Technology Integration Matrix—a closer look at the matrix, types of learning experiences Explore on your own
Big Ideas
How Does Problem-Based Learning Work? Question Plan Schedule Monitor Assess Evaluate
Problem-based learning, as with all lessons, requires much preparation and planning. When designing the project and the student question that will launch the project, it is essential that you have in mind exactly which content standards will be addressed. Once these standards are in mind, then devise a plan that will integrate as many subjects as possible and appropriate into the project. Have in mind what materials and resources will be accessible to the students to assist them. Next, what time allotment will be given to the project? Will this project be conducted during the entire school day or during dedicated blocks of time? How many days will be devoted to the project? Students will need to be given direction for managing their time, a definite life skill. Finally, have a means for assessing your students’ completion of the project. Did the students master the content? Were they able to apply their new knowledge and skills? The question that launches your project-based learning lesson must be one that engages the students. It will pose a problem or a situation that the students can tackle knowing that there is no ONE answer or solution.
Question Start with the Essential Question. Take a real-world topic and begin an in-depth investigation. Make sure it is relevant to your students. We will spend more time on this later this week.
Questions The question that launches your learning lesson must be engaging to the students. It is greater than the task at hand. It will pose a problem or a situation that the students can tackle knowing that there is no ONE answer or solution. Base your question on a situation or topic that is authentic. What is happening in your classroom? In your community? Make it a one that students can feel that they are making an impact by answering the question or solving the problem. The question should be a “NOW” question -- a question that has meaning for the students in their lives at this moment in time.
Plan Plan which content standards will be addressed while answering the question. Involve students in the questioning, planning, and project-building process. Teacher and students brainstorm activities that support the inquiry.
Planning Considerations Problem-based learning, as with all lessons, requires much preparation and planning. When designing the project/inquiry and the student question that will launch the project, have in mind exactly which content standards will be addressed through your inquiry and project development. Students feel ownership of the project when they have an active role in the decision making for the activities. Devise a plan that will integrate as many subjects as possible and appropriate into the project. Have in mind what materials and resources will be accessible to the students to assist them.
Schedule Teacher and students design a timeline for project components. Set benchmarks. Keep it simple and age-appropriate.
Schedule Considerations What time allotment will be given to the project? Will this project be conducted during the entire school day or during dedicated blocks of time? How many days will be devoted to the project? Give students direction for managing their time. Teach them how to schedule their tasks. Remind them of the timeline. Help them to set deadlines. The “big question” acts as the catalyst. Initiate projects that will let all students meet with success. Allow students to go in new directions, but guide them. Help them stay on course: the path to knowledge.
Monitor Facilitate the process. Mentor the process. Utilize rubrics.
Monitoring Teach the students how to work collaboratively. Designate fluid roles for group members. Have students chose their primary roles but assume responsibility and inter-activity for all group roles. Provide resources. Provide guidance. Create team rubrics: – Team rubrics state the expectations of each team member. Watch the group dynamics. How well are the members participating? How engaged are they in the process? Create project rubrics: – What is required for project completion? What is the final product: a word-processed document? A multimedia presentation? An oral report? A poster? A combination of products? What does a good report/multimedia presentation/poster/product look like? Make the requirements clear to the students so that all can meet with success.
Assess Make the assessment authentic. Know authentic assessment will require more time and effort from the teacher. Vary the types of assessments used.
Types of Authentic Assessment Constructed-response items: a student has to state the answer to a problem. These tests often can allow more than one answer letting all students have a chance to demonstrate their new knowledge. Essays: students are asked to analyze and synthesize their new knowledge and then write about it. Performance tasks: students are asked to perform a task that will demonstrate the application of the new knowledge. Exhibitions and demonstrations: these projects can be done individually or within a group and demonstrate the application of the new knowledge. Portfolios: students keep a collection of work that best demonstrates the understanding and application of the new knowledge. Classroom presentations and oral discussion: students can orally demonstrate the application of the new knowledge.
Evaluate Take time to reflect individually and as a group. Share feelings and experiences. Discuss what worked well. Discuss what needs change. Share ideas that will lead to new inquiries, thus new projects.
Differences Between Project Based and Problem Based Learning In Project based learning, the students define the purpose for creating an end product. In Problem based learning, the students are presented with a problem to solve. In Project based learning, the students present their conclusion and there is an end product. In Problem based learning, when the students present their conclusion, there may or may not be an end product.
An education company has asked for your help to create an activity with the following materials. 20 pieces of paper, 4 paper clips, 10 inches of tape and a tennis ball. The activity should include 21 st Century Skills and other content areas. Work in groups of 3 to 5. You have 20 minutes to complete and present your group results.
Your group is to build the highest paper tower possible that will support a tennis ball for 10 seconds when placed on top. The structure is to be free standing and cannot touch any other object that would aid in support. The tape is also not to be used to attach the tower to any other object. One final objective for your group is to make connections to STEM content areas relating to this activity. You have 20 minutes to complete. You have been given 20 pieces of paper, 4 paper clips and 10 inches of tape.
Your Unit Think About It – What content areas are you considering? – What specific units are you considering? Share – Are there colleagues who have similar interests? – You may create a “group unit” if you wish
Rigor and Relevance What is the framework? What do you know? Read the article With 1-2 colleagues, discuss connection to problem-based learning Be prepared to share your thinking
Reflection Discussion Board Thoughts about the day What would you like to make sure we do/talk about/learn this week? Other