DIRECT PATH FROM HUMAN TO BUDDHAHOOD 1 Animals, ghosts, hell beings, devas, non-Dharma period, non-Dharma places, handicap and deviant views 8 OBSTACLES.


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Presentation transcript:

DIRECT PATH FROM HUMAN TO BUDDHAHOOD 1 Animals, ghosts, hell beings, devas, non-Dharma period, non-Dharma places, handicap and deviant views 8 OBSTACLES THREE SUPREME HUMAN QUALITIES Human relationships / morality vs esoteric practices 1) Memory - knowledge 2) Pure Conduct 3) Diligence / Courage FAMILIARISATION VS FAITH/ UNDERSTANDING

1) 佛学 2) 学佛 To practise Buddhism is to learn from the Buddha: 1. Recognise we are humans 2. What are the things to learn? 3. How should we learn? 1. Take him as role model 2. Follow his footsteps 3. Learn the best method(s) from him

BEYOND WORLDLY MERITS Two Aspects: 1. Ultimate: To attain budhahood 2. Different capacity – to reach by skillful means More than just for afterlife or self-liberation

BODHI PATH 2) Loving Kindness / Compassion (Action Based: Charity) 3) Wisdom (Scriptural Studies) 1) Faith & Determination (Recitation) 4)Skillful Means (Upaya Kausalya) a) assimilation b) deification c) simplification

TRIPLE GEM 三宝 1) 自皈依佛,當願眾生,體解大道,發無上心。 I take refuge in the Buddha, wishing all sentient beings to understand the great Way and make the greatest resolve. 2) 自皈依法,當願眾生,深入經藏,智慧如海。 I take refuge in the Dharma, wishing all sentient beings to realise the Sutra, attaining wisdom as deep and wide as the ocean. 3) 自皈依僧,當願眾生,統理大眾,一切無礙。 I take refuge in the Sangha, wishing all sentient beings to be harmoniously guided, totally free from impediment.

TRIPLE GEM 三宝 1) An ultimate awakened one, unsurpassed teacher of both humans and gods (Buddha) 2) Honors the truth of his teachings (Dharma) 3) Accepts monks and nuns as community of full-time followers (Sangha) Faith - a propelling force

Faith - A Propelling Force Theravāda tradition: the reality of Lord Buddha’s enlightenment as a Great Arhat, a perfected human Mahayana: 1 st step, perfection of faith. Three Treasures eternal, concept of buddha-nature, compassion, wisdom Need to balance: a) If a person does not possess faith and insight [prajñā], such a person increases his ignorance. b) If a person possesses insight, but not faith, such a person will increase his distorted views. c) A person who has no faith and insight will say: "There cannot be any Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha!”

UPAYA KAUSALYA = SKILLFUL MEANS EXPEDIENT, DEVICE, FANG PIEN, PERFECTED SKILLS Upaya = means of effective communication Adjust to listeners’ level, culture Popular in Mahayana -- to ease the suffering of people, Dharma introduction, help them on their way to enlightenment CASES OF UPAYA Kisa Gotami, Anguilimala 4 Immeasurables – brahma vihara Materialists – a self exists To an egoistic – no self Burning house – 3 carts: goat, deer and cow Wounded by arrow Rafts to cross the river Finger pointing to moon How far is ‘upaya’ to be taken?

Anguttara Nikaya The following excerpt from a dialogue with a hostile brahmin who was determined to put Buddha in a fix. As always, the answer Buddha gives, exemplifies his skill in communication. "Master Gotoma, you have no sense of values." "Well, I attach no value to the world of the senses. But this is not what you mean, is it?" "Master Gotoma, you encourage an attitude of passivity." "This again is true enough. I do believe in passivity in the sense of not reacting to provocation or temptation. But to what are you referring here?" "Master Gotoma, your teaching is negative." "Certainly, my teaching is negative with regard to evil impulses of body, speech and mind, but you mean something else, surely." "Master Gotoma, you teach nihilism (i.e. existence is pointless)." "I teach the annihilation of greed, hatred and delusion. But what exactly do you mean by this term." From: Warrior of Peace - The Life of the Buddha by Jinananda In this way, Buddha avoided polarisation (opposing positions). He was not concerned to win an argument but to address an individual's real concerns. Rather than denying someone's experience and understanding, Buddha would invite him simply to look more carefully at the world they assumed they knew.

BEING BLIND LIGHT EXISTS NOT A blind man was referred to Buddha. The villagers were tired of this blind man because he was stubborn, though philosophical. Being blind, he argued that light exists not. He would refute, "You said that light exists, so just bring light for me to see it, smell it, taste it, touch it or beat it like a drum so that I can hear it, yar!" Of course you can't beat light like a drum to hear it, or be able to smell light, taste light or touch light either. The blind man would laugh and jeer: "You fools! You are trying to prove something to me which is not. I have five senses. Prove that light exists, I am open to accept it if you can do so. You all are fooling me; I am not blind because light exists not. If light exists not, the eyes need not be there." He would further argue, "You are all blind, for you are dreaming about something that exists not. The whole business of light is just a fiction, a deception, a fraud." The villagers approached Buddha for help. Buddha said, "Don't bring him to me because he needs no conviction from me. But, I know a doctor whom you can bring him for treatment. He needs an eye or vision to see light. The blind man was taken to the doctor. Within six months of treatment, he was able to see. By that time, Buddhad had moved to another village. The man came running and fell on his knees at Buddha's feet, saying, "You have convinced me." Buddha said, "I have not done anything. Your eyes have convinced you, and there is no other way." Moral of the parable: Like the blind man, we may fall into the same trap when we doubt the Buddha-Dharma or the existence of Nirvana. We can be as blind as the said blind man, yar!

BLIND GIANT AND A CRIPPLE The Buddha compared faith to a blind giant who meets up with a very sharp- eyed cripple, called wisdom. The blind giant, called faith, says to the sharp-eyed cripple, "I am very strong, but I can't see; you are very weak, but you have sharp eyes. Come and ride on my shoulders. Together we will go far." The Buddha never supported blind faith, but a balance between heart and mind, between wisdom and faith. The two together will go far. The saying that blind faith can move mountains unfortunately omits the fact that, being blind, faith doesn't know which mountain needs moving. That's where wisdom is essential, which means that a thorough understanding of the teaching is crucial. -- Ayya Khema, When the Iron Eagle Flies

BODHISATTVA PATH Begin With Ten Virtuous Deeds: No killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, back biting, harsh speech, gossips, greed, anger and deviant views 12