The Progressive Era A Domestic Movement that’s all about Change
Gilded Age Mark Twain coined the phrase to describe America during that time Mark Twain coined the phrase to describe America during that time Bright and shinny on the outside, but dull on the inside Bright and shinny on the outside, but dull on the inside
A Time for Change Political Changes Political Changes Natl., State and Local Natl., State and Local Women’s Suffrage Women’s Suffrage Social Changes Social Changes Black Civil Rights Black Civil Rights Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Worker’s Rights Worker’s Rights
Muckrakers – The Changers of Opinion Ida Tarbell Lincoln Steffens
Jacob Riis Upton Sinclair Thomas Nast
Muckrakers Push ….. Politicians Act
Teddy Roosevelt William Howard Taft National Level Reform Woodrow Wilson
State Level Hiram Johnson Charles Evans Hughes Robert La Follette
Local Level Changers Sam Jones Tom L. Johnson
Areas of National Reform Political Political 17 th Amendment 17 th Amendment 19 th Amendment 19 th Amendment Social Consumer Protection 18 th Amendment Conservation Working Conditions
Working Conditions Long Hours No Minimum Wage Unsanitary ConditionsChild Labor
Women’s Rights Susan B Anthony 19 th Amendment Alice Paul
Conservation Gifford Pinchot T Roosevelt John Muir
Teddy Roosevelt and Trust Busting Govt. now on the side of Labor Govt. now on the side of Labor 1902 Coal Strike 1902 Coal Strike Northern Securities Case Northern Securities Case 24 Indictments in all 24 Indictments in all
Robert La Follette Gov. of Wisconsin State Level Reform Initiative Referendum Recall Direct Primary
Local Level Reform Political Machines were out…. Replaced by Commission Plan City-Manager Plan
Woodrow Wilson Trusts Trusts Clayton Anti-Trust Act 1914 – prohibited corp. from buying stock of another corp. if it led to monopoly; Clayton Anti-Trust Act 1914 – prohibited corp. from buying stock of another corp. if it led to monopoly; FTC (Fed. Trade Commission) created – 1914; watchdog agency given power to investigate violation of trust laws & unfair business practices FTC (Fed. Trade Commission) created – 1914; watchdog agency given power to investigate violation of trust laws & unfair business practices Income Tax/Banking 1913 Underwood Tariff - tariff lowered Federal Income Tax – 16 th amendment passed in 1913 legalized graduated income tax Fed. Reserve Act 1913 – divided nation into 12 districts & estab. Regional banks to keep money in circulation & strengthen banking system Retreated from civil rights & did not support suffrage until cornered by suffragettes