Team Time!
To which fallacy does this example apply? American Bill Gates owns more money than many small countries. Therefore, each American owns more money than many small countries.
To which fallacy does this example apply? 85% of consumers purchase IBM computers rather than Macintosh; all those people can’t be wrong. IBM must make the best computers.
To which fallacy does this example apply? The Bible says that we should love all mankind, therefore, I should love death row murders or the two men who planted the bombs at the Boston Marathon.
To which fallacy does this example apply? 'President Reagan was a great communicator because he had the knack of talking effectively to the people.'
To which fallacy does this example apply? - Three congressional representatives have had affairs. Therefore, members of Congress are adulterers.
To which fallacy does this example apply? -The BMW LDFKfmkldi9d88 costs more than the Kia kdjoioelkKKF, therefore it must have a better engine.
To which fallacy does this example apply? The Ouji board has never worked for me. It must be a fake.
To which fallacy does this example apply? The level of mercury in seafood may be unsafe, but what will fishers do to support their families?
To which fallacy does this example apply? Green Peace's strategies aren't effective because they are all dirty, lazy hippies.
To which fallacy does this example apply? People who don't support the proposed state minimum wage increase hate the poor.
We lived and laughed and loved and left.
You held your breath and the door for me."
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better."
As seen on a plumbers truck: “A Flush Beats a Full House
Next time? There won’t be a next time.
Come then: let us to the task, to the battle, to the toil--each to our part, each to our station. Fill the armies, rule the air, pour out the munitions, strangle the U-boats, sweep the mines, plow the land, build the ships, guard the streets, succor the wounded, uplift the downcast, and honor the brave.
In the farmhouse I saw, with my own eyes, this sight: there was a man, of young age and graceful proportion, whose body had been torn limb from limb. The torso was here, an arm there, a leg there....All this I saw with my own eyes, and it was the most fearsome sight I ever witnessed."
Kurt Cobain died from a fatal heroin overdose.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."
I visited my shrink today.
I have been rather reluctant to have a volume of sermons printed. My misgivings have grown out of the fact that a sermon is not an essay to be read but a discourse to be heard. It should be a convincing appeal to a listening congregation."essay
The swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot."
How is it possible to have a civil war?
see my body is borrowed i got it on loan for the time in between my mom and some maggots
Dramatic irony Define and provide an example of the following rhetorical terms.