Iron (Fe) Chemical Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 28 Atomic Weight: 55.847 amu Atomic Volume: 7.1 cm3 /mol Iron (Fe) Chemical Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 28 Atomic.


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Presentation transcript:

Iron (Fe) Chemical Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 28 Atomic Weight: amu Atomic Volume: 7.1 cm3 /mol Iron (Fe) Chemical Symbol: Fe Atomic Number: 28 Atomic Weight: amu Atomic Volume: 7.1 cm3 /mol Martina Calvi

Properties… Iron is a hard, grayish, silvery and lustrous metal. There are many different forms of iron, some are magnetic and some aren’t. When it is purified, it is gray and shiny. Iron can be found all around the world. In the earth, in the sun, in the stars, practically all around the Universe. Most of the things manmade and natural, have iron in it, even our bodies have iron in them! It can be found in many forms: wires, chips, foil, sheets etc. Its name’s origin is Latin, and its symbol too. Many people ask why the symbols of the elements are so different from their names. Their symbols come form their Latin word of the element. For example, Iron in Latin is called “Ferrum”, that’s why its symbol is Fe..

The different forms of Iron:

Important Information: Number of protons and electrons: 26 Number of protons and electrons: 26 Number of neutrons: 30 Number of neutrons: 30 Its boiling point is 3023K Its boiling point is 3023K Its melting point is K Its melting point is K Group: transition metal #8 Group: transition metal #8 Date of discovery: known to the ancients Date of discovery: known to the ancients Discoverer: Unknown Discoverer: Unknown Name/symbol origin: Latin Name/symbol origin: Latin Period: 4 Period: 4 Phase at room temperature: solid Phase at room temperature: solid Standard state: solid at 298K Standard state: solid at 298K Classification: Metallic Classification: Metallic

History Iron is known since the prehistoric time It’s predicted that p eople have been using iron for at least 5000 years. It was discovered during the Iron age, but we don’t know by who. The Iron age, was a time when people discovered iron, and found out that it is unique and very useful. Iron is known since the prehistoric time. It’s predicted that p eople have been using iron for at least 5000 years. It was discovered during the Iron age, but we don’t know by who. The Iron age, was a time when people discovered iron, and found out that it is unique and very useful.

What do we use Iron for? Iron is used to straighten our clothes Iron is used to straighten our clothes The iron which is in our body helps carry oxygen to cells The iron which is in our body helps carry oxygen to cells It helps our muscles It helps our muscles Lots of iron prevents anemia, which can make you feel tired, short of breath, pale and weak. Lots of iron prevents anemia, which can make you feel tired, short of breath, pale and weak. It’s used to make many things It’s used to make many things

How important is Iron? Iron is a very important element, especially for our body. If we wouldn’t have iron in our body, we would die. When we don’t have enough iron in our body (Iron Deficiency) is extremely dangerous because it causes anemia. It is also important because many things are made of iron, and it is unique. Iron is a very strong metal, so it is helpful.

What are the concerns of Iron? Iron deficiency: which is when we don’t have enough Iron in our body Iron deficiency is a concern for our body because: It can be very dangerous for pregnant women because it can increase the risk for having the baby earlier, which means that when the baby grows he/she can have health problems, or even die. It can be very dangerous for pregnant women because it can increase the risk for having the baby earlier, which means that when the baby grows he/she can have health problems, or even die. It may cause mental problems to teens It may cause mental problems to teens For adults: it can make them weak, and they can have difficulties with physical work For adults: it can make them weak, and they can have difficulties with physical work

What are the causes of Iron Deficiency? The causes are divided into 2 main categories: oPeople who don’t have a good diet: who doesn’t eat vegetables, meat, fruit (Vitamin C).. oTaking antacids reduces the amount of iron in our stomach o Younger kids need more iron Rapid growth o Pregnancy, because iron is needed for 2 people not 1! o People who donate blood they lose it because it is located into blood. Not taking enough Iron into the body Needs more iron than normal

Isotopes of Iron Iron has 8 isotopes: People count People count only 4 isotopes, not 8, because they count only the natural occurring ones: Stable isotopes yearsFe daysFe-59 StableFe-58 StableFe-57 StableFe yearsFe-55 StableFe hFe-52 Half LifeIsotope  Half-life: the time required for one half of the atoms of an amount of radioactive substance to disintegrate (break into very small pieces).

60 Fe is an extinct which is years. 60 Fe is an extinct radionuclide which is years. 56 Fe it has the most stable nucleus, that’s why it’s impossible to perform with it. 56 Fe it has the most stable nucleus, that’s why it’s impossible to perform fusion with it. 57 Fe is the only stable isotope which has a 57 Fe is the only stable isotope which has a spin. 54 Fe is a non-radioactive stable isotope. 58 Fe is a non-radioactive stable isotope. The iron we have in our body is mostly 58 Fe. The Four Stable Isotopes: 54 Fe, 56 Fe, 57 Fe, 58 Fe. + the non stable 60 Fe  Radionuclide: an atom with an unstable nucleus.  Fusion: a nuclear process in which two light atoms, and a heavy atom, unite. It releases energy, which helps the sun and the stars.  Spin: a moment in which the atoms move in a circular way.

What products are made from Iron? With huge amounts of iron, you can make steel. Steel can be made from different substances, but it’s mostly Iron, and of course, if you add more iron, and less of something else you will come up with an isotope of steel. The red water is due to the iron in the rocks.

The Periodic Table…. Iron

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