ENGL 212:Technical Writing Angela Strum
Introduction Research Methods Criteria Results Conclusion Recommendations
What is Video Teleconferencing (VTC)? How is VTC used? How a VTC course would help students entering the IT field. Costs associated with VTC. The future of VTC.
I have researched how VTC is currently used. I have researched the different types of VTC currently available on the market from simple Skype to the more advanced Polycom systems. I have spoken with one of the CNT instructors at the university to gage whether he would be interested in having this class available to the students. I researched what equipment would be needed in order to offer this class to the students and the cost of that equipment. I conducted a survey of current students in the CNT program to gage their interest in this type of course. I will develop a proposed outline of the course to go into detail of exactly what the proposed course of study would cover during the semester. I plan to research if there are any industry certifications that students can become more prepared for after taking this course.
Is there sufficient student interest in the course? Would the benefit to the students in the IT program outweigh the cost of implementing this course to the University? Is there a certification exam the students can take after completing the class that would make them more qualified when seeking employment after graduation?
Student interest in the course is high. VTC equipment is cost prohibitive to offer a class at this time.
Research VTC vendors to see if any would offer discounted equipment to the university. A larger study in the future may find that as popularity of VTC grows the prices of equipment may fall making it more feasible in the future to offer this class to students.