2 The 5 biggest issues facing student-athletes today are: Drinking Too Much 2. Hazing 3. Relationship Abuse/Violence 4. Discrimination 5. Eating Disorders 6. Gambling 7. Sexual Assault 8. Depression 9. Anger issues
3 Scenario 1 Alcohol Some upperclassmen are hosting a party. Some freshmen have confided in you that they don’t drink and aren’t huge “partiers” but since it’s their teammates and they want to make a good impression, they are going to go. You are there and everyone seems to be having a good time until one of the seniors suggests a drinking game. You know the danger of consuming alcohol quickly and are concerned. Teammates start to gather around a table as one of them begins to explain the rules for the drinking game. The freshmen who had confided in you initially decline but others start hassling them. You can see they’re uncomfortable. They look at you. What do you do?
4 Scenario 2 Alcohol Poisoning You are at a party when someone runs up to you and screams for you to come to a room because your teammate is not breathing. You go to the room and there are lots of empty alcohol bottles and cups around. The other student is hysterical about the passed out individual drinking too much at the party. You see that the person’s breathing is irregular and the person is cold and clammy. What do you do?
5 Scenario 3 Hazing You are on Facebook and see some of your teammates’ posts about upcoming “initiation” for this year’s freshmen, as well as pictures from last year. You know it’s actually hazing and you’re not comfortable with what they are planning. It seems that they push the limit a little more every year but they justify it by saying it’s what makes the team close and that it’s “tradition.” You want to say something but feel intimidated and don’t want them to think less of you. What do you do?
6 Scenario 4 Sexual Assault You are at a party. During the past hour you notice one of your male friends has been talking to a young woman. They seem to be having a good time but it is clear that the woman has had too much to drink. At one point your friend walks by you and you hear him say he is just going to get her “one more” and “that should be enough.” A few minutes later you see him put his arm around the young woman and start to lead her upstairs. What do you do?
7 Scenario 5 Relationship Abuse/Violence You and a teammate live on the same wing in the dorms. You walk by her room and hear her crying. In the past, she has shared with you that her boyfriend yells at her, humiliates her, and always wants to know where she is and who she’s with. She also says he won’t let her do things she wants to do. It appears she has some fresh bruises around her eye and on her arms. What do you do?
8 Scenario 6 Discrimination You are hanging out with teammates and one of them makes a very insulting and derogatory remark about someone’s alleged sexual orientation. They go on to sarcastically say that they definitely won’t be rooming with them on road trips. You find it inappropriate. What do you do?
9 Scenario 7 Depression You notice a teammate has been very down lately, more so than circumstances might dictate. Friends have also come to you about changes in his/her behavior. This person has become withdrawn and is not as active and social as before. You have become concerned. What do you do?
10 Scenario 8 Disordered Eating A friend of yours appears to have lost quite a bit of weight lately. You notice that her eating habits are becoming more and more unusual. She is skipping meals and altering foods when she does eat – (e.g., pulling cheese off pizza). When approached, she is defensive, denying that anything is wrong. This has negatively impacted not only her performance but also your relationship with her. What do you do?
11 Scenario 9 Gambling A teammate is selling some of his important and valuable belongings. He has also asked friends to borrow money. He is spending an inordinate amount of time at the computer and appears to be overly invested in the outcomes of sporting events. What do you do?
12 Scenario 10 Anger issues You and a few teammates are at a party when someone begins insulting you (for being athletes, for a team’s performance, etc.). Despite everyone’s best effort to ignore these obnoxious comments, you can see one of your teammates is becoming more and more irritated. He has a history of losing his temper. What do you do?
13 SO… Where will I go from here?
14 I commit that the next time I am confronted with a problematic situation I will STEP UP! Agree 2. Disagree