Nutrition. Nutritional Needs Calcium and iron are important ▫From toddlers to teenagers Special dietary needs for teenagers: ▫This is a time of growth.


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Presentation transcript:


Nutritional Needs Calcium and iron are important ▫From toddlers to teenagers Special dietary needs for teenagers: ▫This is a time of growth spurts  20% of adult height  50% of adult weight

Teenagers and Calcium Teenagers need calcium to build strong bones The osteoporosis connection… ▫Why talk about this in a child & adolescent health class??

Osteoporosis 1 of every 2 American women will get osteoporosis after the age of 65. Why worry about teenagers? ▫Less than half of teenagers get enough calcium in their diet.  For girls – about 15% get enough calcium.  The teenage years are the time to build strong bones

Soda consumption & Osteoporosis Girls who drank soft drinks: 3x more likely to have a bone fracture ▫Physically active girls: 5x more likely to have a bone fracture ▫Why?  Phosphoric acid  Less calcium consumption

Who is at risk? Those who do not get enough calcium Females Those with high soft drink consumption Those who do not exercise Caucasians and Asians Family history Smoking Alcohol

Prevention Eating calcium-rich foods ▫Dairy products, calcium-fortified orange juice, leafy green vegetables, canned salmon or tuna ▫May need a calcium supplement Weight-bearing exercises Limit soft drink consumption Don’t smoke Notice anything about this list?

“Selling” it to teenagers Make it beneficial in the short term ▫May need to relate it to body image  “Calcium will help you grow taller”  “Do you know those older people that are stooped over?”

Eating Disorders

Teenagers & Eating Disorders Girls 15 – 19 years old: ▫Account for 40% of new anorexia cases every year. ▫There has been a rise in anorexia among this age group every decade since 1930! Bulimia: ▫The incidences of bulimia have tripled among year-olds from 1988 to 1993 Most of those with anorexia or bulimia do NOT receive adequate care.

Teenagers & Dieting Over ½ half of teenage girls and 1/3 of teen boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors. ▫(Neumark-Sztainer, 2005) ▫These behaviors include:  Skipping meals  Fasting  Smoking cigarettes to control weight  Vomiting  Taking laxatives

Anorexia Nervosa Self-starvation ▫Essential nutrients are denied (no or little food) so the body slows down all normal processes to conserve energy. Health consequences ▫Low blood pressure / heart rate ▫Muscle loss / weakness ▫Dehydration ▫Fainting / fatigue ▫Dry hair and skin

90-95% are female so, 5-10% are male. Similar characteristics: ▫Preoccupied with weight  Males may have preoccupation with body building, weight lifting or toning. ▫Compulsive exercise ▫Frequently weighing oneself ▫Distorted body image

Bulimia Nervosa Typically a binge – purge method ▫Binge – secret periods of quickly eating high- calorie dense foods. ▫Purge – more than the typical vomiting. 80% are female Health consequences: ▫Irregular heartbeat = heart failure = death. ▫Tooth decay ▫Ulcers

Signs and Symptoms (Anorexia & Bulemia) Weight loss No or irregular periods Fatigue Decreased concentration Stress fractures Muscle injuries Low heart rate/BP Heart irregularities May even have chest pain Continued dieting Preoccupation with food/weight Frequent trips to bathroom during and after meals Using laxatives Brittle nails/hair Dental cavities Sensitivity to cold

Prevention Look at your own beliefs, attitudes, behaviors about food, weight, body image, physical appearance and exercise. Open communication Healthy modeling. (setting a good example) Critical thinking Exercise should equal feeling better not looking better. Don’t use food as a reward or punishment

More information “Dying to be thin” ▫Nova program