Plenary Meeting Crete, 3-4 September, RURAL WINGS IP RURAL WINGS WP8 Status
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP WP8 Objectives Evaluate the financially viability of DVB-RCS, e.g. ROI, for the main market players, including: space industry, telecommunication operators software providers governmental, regional and local representatives content providers Identify the best methods to commercialise the technology. Identify the growth rate of the market i.e. remote/rural e-learning.
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP D8.1 Content 1.Summary 2.Introduction 3.Marketing Plan 1. Short and long term goals of the Rural wings services Short and long term goals of the Rural wings services 2. Market definition and target market identification Market definition and target market identification 3. Satellite Market evolution Satellite Market evolution 4. Competition arena Competition arena 5. Market assessment Market assessment 4.Business Case Report 1. Value Chain Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis Value Chain Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis 2. Business Model Analysis Business Model Analysis 3. Basic Financial Statement and Analysis Basic Financial Statement and Analysis 4. Cost Benefit analysis for selected cases Cost Benefit analysis for selected cases
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP D8.1 Content 5.Market Research and Assessment 1. Identification of Europe’s market opportunities Identification of Europe’s market opportunities 2. Product description, positioning and risk analysis Product description, positioning and risk analysis 3. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis 4. Competitions Competitions 5. Promotion and advertisement opportunities Promotion and advertisement opportunities 6. Pricing definition Pricing definition 7. Definition of Sales and Distribution channels Definition of Sales and Distribution channels 8. Roadmap of products and services Roadmap of products and services 6.Conclusions 7.Reference Documents 8.Abbreviations 9.ANNEXES
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP D8.1 Suggested Contributions Astrium and Eutelsat to 3.3 (Satellite Market definition) and 3.4 (Competition arena) Q Plan to 3.5 (Market Assessment) EA to 5.1 (Identification of Europe’s market opportunities), 5.2. (Product description, positioning and risk analysis), 5.8 (Roadmap of products and services) National Coordinators to 5.1 (Identification of Europe’s market opportunities), 5.2 (Product description, positioning and risk analysis), 5.3 (SWOT Analysis) & 5.4 (Competition) Any other suggestions or problems?
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP D8.1 Approach
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP D8.1 Schedule End September 2007 – Delivery of D8.1 Market definition and first version business case report Near End September Internal Review Mid September - Receive contributions for integration This is clearly not happening so we have a problem. Avanti is still targeting the end of September for the first version, with or without contributions, but the document is not likely to be as comprehensive as it could be.
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP Good data sources are vital As feared in previous presentations, finding good data sources has been a problem Comms data sources Not so much a problem as some sources available Ideally more upto date sources would be beneficial E-learning data sources Business school resources have finally, after weeks of seaching, delivered some good sources, referred to in the document Others – we have a document form one of the reviewers If any partner can provide more, please let me know.
Toulouse, March, RURAL WINGS IP Periodic update will be required