Geoset 1 G Student Feedback Houston
I am a postdoc at Baylor College of Medicine with an NIH K12 award (IRACDA). We are hosting the annual national IRACDA conference in Houston this year and postdocs are asked to give talks about trying to introduce new learning models and technology into the classroom Melissa Suter, PhD BaylorCollege of Medicine
My experience so far with students wanting to present and upload to the GEOSET website has been amazing.
One student who dropped my class the first week asked if there was any way she could record a presentation even though she wouldn’t take the class.
Another student asked if she could do two presentations, one from her undergraduate research as well as the final cancer biology project.
One student who dropped my class the first week asked if there was any way she could record a presentation even though she wouldn’t take the class. Another student asked if she could do two presentations, one from her undergraduate research as well as the final cancer biology project. Students WANT to do this and it is a very good learning experience for them.
Making the GEOSET recording was an exciting and rewarding process. Through this final project I learned a lot about compiling information from credible sources and giving a professional presentation. The idea alone of a website designed to help students understand complex concepts through the efforts of other students is commendable. Having my presentation on the GEOSET website would mean a lot to me. I always strive to help other students especially when it comes to understanding concepts. Through my presentation, students can learn about cell signaling and how that relates to the etiology and treatment of her2 positive breast cancer. - Abir Khan University of Houston Downtown
I really liked the idea of uploading my project to GEOSET because when I was preparing my presentation I became more aware of how to organize my powerpoint to help an audience understand the subject. Instead of searching the internet for any photos slightly related to my topic I decided to create my own images. This way I could manipulate them to help an audience better understand what pathways drugs used to function. Overall it was a great experience that forced me to put my best effort because I knew this could be seen by a graduate program, or future employer. It was beneficial opportunity that I would like to take advantage of by recording my own research I do in the Medical center throughout the year so future graduate committees can see what work I have done. - Marlyn Davila University of Houston Downtown
The project I worked on was challenging but amazing. At first, it was hard to start it, but the topic itself and all the interesting information about it, fascinated me and drove me more into it. In order to put my final project together, it was very helpful to see other videos posted on the website. It was really impressive the good quality and outstanding presentations made by other participants and that inspired me to do my best. I think that this type of project is a great possibility to explore an individual’s skills. Furthermore, I believe that recording this type of video is a suitable and an interactive methodology for the complex learning process and appreciation of science and its importance. I feel that to be on the GEOSET website is a great opportunity and an honor. It let me share my experience, work and knowledge as well as build confidence about such things that I am capable of doing and accomplish. I am so thankful to be a part of it. - Angelica Medina University of Houston Downtown
The rapid progression of the internet has changed the global landscape of education.
Contributing to sites such as GEOSET not only provides the occasion to play a part in the education of others but also gives presenters an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills.
The rapid progression of the internet has changed the global landscape of education. Contributing to sites such as GEOSET not only provides the occasion to play a part in the education of others but also gives presenters an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills. I believe that being on the GEOSET website will give me an advantage when seeking employment in the future. Jeremy Sherwood University of Houston Downtown
Making the GEOSET recording was an exciting and rewarding process. Through this final project I learned a lot about compiling information from credible sources and giving a professional presentation. The idea alone of a website designed to help students understand complex concepts through the efforts of other students is commendable. Having my presentation on the GEOSET website would mean a lot to me. I always strive to help other students especially when it comes to understanding concepts. Through my presentation, students can learn about cell signaling and how that relates to the etiology and treatment of her2 positive breast cancer. - Abir Khan University of Houston Downtown
I really liked the idea of uploading my project to GEOSET because when I was preparing my presentation I became more aware of how to organize my powerpoint to help an audience understand the subject. Instead of searching the internet for any photos slightly related to my topic I decided to create my own images. This way I could manipulate them to help an audience better understand what pathways drugs used to function. Overall it was a great experience that forced me to put my best effort because I knew this could be seen by a graduate program, or future employer. It was beneficial opportunity that I would like to take advantage of by recording my own research I do in the Medical center throughout the year so future graduate committees can see what work I have done. - Marlyn Davila University of Houston Downtown
The project I worked on was challenging but amazing. At first, it was hard to start it, but the topic itself and all the interesting information about it, fascinated me and drove me more into it. In order to put my final project together, it was very helpful to see other videos posted on the website. It was really impressive the good quality and outstanding presentations made by other participants and that inspired me to do my best. I think that this type of project is a great possibility to explore an individual’s skills. Furthermore, I believe that recording this type of video is a suitable and an interactive methodology for the complex learning process and appreciation of science and its importance. I feel that to be on the GEOSET website is a great opportunity and an honor. It let me share my experience, work and knowledge as well as build confidence about such things that I am capable of doing and accomplish. I am so thankful to be a part of it. - Angelica Medina University of Houston Downtown
I am a postdoc at Baylor College of Medicine with an NIH K12 award (IRACDA). We are hosting the annual national IRACDA conference in Houston this year and postdocs are asked to give talks about trying to introduce new learning models and technology into the classroom. My experience so far with students wanting to present and upload to the GEOSET website has been amazing. Students were even asking if they could record two presentations to include undergraduate research. Students WANT to do this and it is a fantastic learning experience for them. Melissa Suter, PhD Baylor College of Medicine REACH IRACDA
The rapid progression of the internet has changed the global landscape of education.
Contributing to sites such as GEOSET not only provides the occasion to play a part in the education of others but also gives presenters an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills.
The rapid progression of the internet has changed the global landscape of education. Contributing to sites such as GEOSET not only provides the occasion to play a part in the education of others but also gives presenters an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills. I believe that being on the GEOSET website will give me an advantage when seeking employment in the future. Jeremy Sherwood University of Houston Downtown
An Educational and Creative Outlet to Prepare the Undergraduate Student for the “GooYouWiki” World Melissa A. Suter, (Other authors from FSU??) Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, A constant struggle for the undergraduate professor when planning a course, is how to balance teaching important scientific concepts while providing opportunities to develop career oriented skills. Furthermore, while students must keep up with new technology as part of their curriculum, professors have the obligation to teach students what readily available sources of information are both reliable and credible. Participating in the GEOSET initiative will help today’s undergraduate professor accomplish these goals. The GEOSET (Global Educational Outreach – Science Engineering and Technology) Initiative is curated by a team at Florida State University lead by Dr. Harry Kroto. It aims to make quality, scientifically sound educational material available to school teachers all over the world through the internet. Currently there are nodes in the US, UK, Japan, Croatia and Brazil. This semester in my Cancer Biology class at the University of Houston Downtown my students were required to do a semester-long research project on a cancer related topic of their choice.
The project was to culminate in a ten minute presentation that would be graded on scientific accuracy, logical flow of the talk, effort, and presentation skills. Presentations which were found to be exceptional were chosen for inclusion in the GEOSET initiative. The response of the students to this project was overwhelmingly positive. Students were eager to have their presentations online as part of a scientifically respected website. A link to their presentations can now be provided with their resume as part of a professional school application. They were excited to be able to choose their own topic, allowing for creative freedom. Throughout the semester, students were critiqued on the logical flow of the talk, scientific accuracy, and powerpoint slides, which taught them how to craft a scientific talk which will aid them in their careers. They are now part of a global initiative aiming to provide scientifically accurate information to other students world wide. Taking part in the GEOSET initiative allows students to learn presentation skills and showcase them as part of their resume, channel their scientific creativity, and be part of a global outreach project aiding teachers worldwide.
If you agree then I would be happy to pass along information on the conference, who will attend (approximately 250 postdocs and grant administrators form 16 institutions nationally) and what I plan to talk about. If you do not think this would be a good forum, absolutely no problem and no pressure. Please just let me know. Thanks for your consideration, Melissa Suter, PhD BaylorCollegeof Medicine
Hello Dr. Kroto We had recently been in touch regarding uploading some of my cancer biology students’ final project presentations to the GEOSET website. Our Tech team at the University of Houston Downtown has been in touch with your team and I would imagine we will have some videos ready to go by the end of the month. I just need to finish grading them and submit the final grades. I am writing to you to ask you two questions. 1.Do you believe that GEOSET would be a good forum for undergraduate students to present their undergraduate research? 2.And if so, would you mind if I presented my experience this semester with my undergraduate students and uploading to GEOSET at a national meeting?