P2Rx Web Group Fall 2003 Update
Coding Management Items covered today Topic hubs being shared Modularized Topic Hub Code CVS server (managing code) –Topic hub code Administrative pages code Site functionality code –Programs directory code –P2Rx central registry Bugzilla Where to go for help Other improvements
Results of Coding Management Reduces learning curve for new and existing staff (CVS and modularized code) Simplifies maintenance (CVS and modularized code) Easier management tools for tracking progress (Bugzilla)
Topic hubs being shared Seven centers are sharing some or all topic hubs on their sites (WRRC and P2Rx are linking to all hubs) Sharing provides familiar look and feel for topic hubs It works REALLY WELL with NO glitches… so far…
Modularized topic hub code Seven centers have installed modularized code Mod. Code allows separation of html (formatting features) from functional aspects All mod code is posted on CVS
CVS server Continuous versioning software server hosted at WRRC Tracks changes in code Allows centers to download current software and update what they have based on recent upgrades Allows programmers to “fix once, distribute to all”
Managing code on CVS Posted in separate folders on CVS for easier management and tracking: –Topic Hub functional code; –Topic Hub administrative pages code; –Programs directory code; –P2Rx Central registry Have provided password protection for admin forms
Bugzilla Tracks bugs centers find and fix Hosted at WRRC Progress reviewed monthly on web call
Where to Go for Help WTGFH code is written and explicitly relates programs to topic hubs as input by centers –Centers need to input data to make function work –Admin forms to input this data are written –Display of WTGFH is customizable by each Center
Other improvements Programs directory Usability Web trends reporting Searches Rapid Response Keywords
Program Directory Admin forms are on CVS server and are password protected P2Rx will update national directory whenever Centers send updates –Centers send whole database –P2Rx notifies web group when there’s an update –Currently national directory is only on P2Rx Collection policy ready for vote by admin
Usability Workshop (training) Follow thru as time available
Web Trends Reporting Have compiled new list of filters Centers need to be aware of reporting categories Seven centers have software Plan to upgrade to at least 7.0
Search EPA search engine triage P2Rx site info is being entered into EPA web inventory meta directory for better search results on EPA Individual topic hub searches included with current version of topic hub code. –Title –Description –Link source –Link url –Resource type
Rapid Response New page on P2Rx, automatically provides info to correct center Info provided in to appropriate center, may explore providing directly to center’s database if traffic warrants
Keywords Committee of Tim, Andy, and Scott will make a plan Functional specification agreed on by web group Anticipate central management of keywords GLRPPR will provide librarian to approve keywords Planning structure to accommodate thesaurus in future
Next Steps Users Manual for Centers (PM office) Acknowledgement page Central Keywords procedure Explore using a style sheet for P2Rx