Russia By Sammy Kimmy
Land Region The major land regions are the North European Plains, West Siberian Plain, Central Siberian Plateau, and the East Siberian Uplands. North European Plains West Siberian Plain Central Siberian Plateau East Siberian Uplands Elevations vary between 0 and 200m (about 0 to 650ft). while mostly used as farmland, the region also contains bogs, heath, and lakes. on the North Sea coast one finds the Wadden Sea, a large tidal area. The West Siberian Plain is a large plain that occupies the western portion of Siberia. Central Siberian Plateau is made up of sharply demarcated surfaces of varying altitudes occupying most of Siberia between the Yenisei and Lena rivers.. . The East Siberian Uplands extend south and east from the Lena River in eastern Russia, and include the Verkhoyansk, Yablonovyy, Cherskogo, Dzhugdzhur, and Nagorye mountain ranges.
Bodies of Water Upper Lake Arctic ocean Lena River Baikal River Okhotsk Sea Volga river
Plant and Animals Bears lotus Lotus Cat Fox Pine Tree Sheepdog
LandForms Mountain Elbrus Forest Taiga Astrakhan Desert Gold Diamond Coal