Objectives After completing this lesson students will be able to: 1.Describe the importance of water to humans 2.Identify major bodies of water a)Describe water distribution patterns b)Assess the impact water distribution has on geography 3.Identify the steps and discuss the process of the Hydrologic (Water) Cycle
The Water Cycle Where does water come from?
As mentioned, 70% of the earth is covered by water. – What percentage of the earth’s water is salt water? – 97% Salt water is found mainly in what body of water. – Oceans
The Earth’s Oceans Identify the earth’s four oceans; – Pacific – Atlantic – Indian – Arctic Describe the relative location of the Pacific to the USA. Describe the relative location of the Atlantic to the USA. Describe the relative location of the Arctic Ocean to Russia. Describe the relative location of the Indian Ocean to India.
The Hydrologic Cycle Where does all this water come from? – The Hydrologic (water) Cycle provides the earth with all it’s water.Hydrologic (water) Cycle What is the first step in the Hydrologic Cycle – Evaporation The sun heats large bodies of water.
The Hydrologic Cycle Next the water cools and Condensates. The water returns to liquid in the form of precipitation. What is Precipitation? – Rain – Snow – Sleet
The Hydrologic Cycle Once the water falls to the earth, it is absorbed into ground water supplies known as Aquifers. What is not absorbed eventually returns to oceans where the process repeats.
Desalination In areas where water is scarce, some countries are beginning to use the process of desalination. Desalination involves the process of turning sea water into freshwater.
Desalination Disadvantages of Desalination – Expensive – Small amount of water is obtained.