Anatomy of Author Search Results Screen
An author search will result in
3 possibilities: 1. exact match to author with one title 2. exact match to author with multiple titles 3. inexact match of author
1.An exact match to an author with one title
will go directly to the record for item.
See “Anatomy of Record” slideshow for more information.
2. An exact match to an author with multiple titles
will go to a list of titles by author.
See “Anatomy of Keyword Search Results Screen” for more information
3. An inexact match of an author
will go to the place of the searched author in an alphabetical list of authors.
Now for the parts of this page…
The navigation bar
provides quick links to other library pages and your library account.
The extended display button
displays more information about specific entries.
The limit/sort search button
allows narrowing of current results.
The another search button
defaults to initial author search screen.
The search Summit button
performs exact search in Summit.
The search history drop down menu
allows you to view and perform previous searches.
The modify current search box
allows you to change your search by using the drop down menus.
Save marked records and save all on page buttons
saves wanted items to the book cart.
See “Using the Bookcart” for more information.
The author results list
is where your search term lands alphabetically in the list.
One specific result of your author search.
The numbered list of results.
Check box to add to book cart.
The number of unique authors.
The year of item, if there is only one item for an author.
The number of entries per author.
Example: Barbara Seuling has a pseudonym of “Carrie Austin”. All the books are written by the same person, so the books are lumped under one authoritative name (Barabara Seuling) with the other name (Carrie Austen) pointing to this authoritative name. This entry points to the authoritative name.
Example: there are 16 titles that were written by “Austen, Jane ”.
Example: there is only one title for this author, so the title information is given.
Example: Austin Riggs Center For The Study and Treatment of the Neuroses Stockbridge Mass is also commonly known as Austin Riggs Center. This entry points to the other name.
Related Slideshows Anatomy of Keyword Search Results Screen Anatomy of Keyword Search Results Screen Anatomy of Record Screen Anatomy of Record Screen Using the Book Cart Using the Book Cart Search Tips Search Tips