2015 Missouri Wing Conference: Flight Release Officer Refresher Major Joe St. Clair Missouri Wing Stan/Eval Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

2015 Missouri Wing Conference: Flight Release Officer Refresher Major Joe St. Clair Missouri Wing Stan/Eval Officer

Overview Anatomy of a Flight Release Officer FRO Qualifications What is a FRO? FRO Responsibilities FRO paperwork Pilot Responsibilities What a FRO is NOT expected to be.

Anatomy of a FRO Seasoned CAP member Lives by the book Not afraid to grant or deny authorization Makes decisions and moves on

FRO Qualifications CAPR 60-1 states FROs are CAP members designated in WMIRS as Flight Release Officers by a wing or region commander or his/her designee. FROs must have passed the on-line CAP FRO training course and possess a sound knowledge of the CAP flight management program prior to being appointed as an FRO.

FRO Qualifications Possess sound knowledge of CAP flight management and flight release procedures. Be appointed by the wing or region commander or their designee. Commanders will only appoint a sufficient number of FROs to meet wing needs.

What is an FRO? An intelligent, self starting checklist reader An official recorder of the authorization of a flight. The last official interface between CAP and the pilot prior to the flight.

FRO Responsibilities Have a personal or telephone conversation PRIOR to flight release (Section 2-5) Best efforts to authorize the flight – If flight won’t release don’t assume glitch in system, this could put you, pilot, and CAP in a bad position Agree with the pilot on a mission symbol that fits. Ensure that a quality flight release has been conducted. – A poor flight release is not only a bad idea, it could put insurance coverage in jeopardy.

FRO Paperwork Enter CAPF 99 info into eFlight Release system ASAP. CAPF 104 remains with mission paperwork. E104 filled in WIMRS by aircrew tasked with that mission. Keep current copies of regulations, forms and wing/unit rosters with you.

Pilot Responsibilities Provide all required documentation needed to establish and update records. Pilot-in-Command must obtain the release. Certify eligibility of passengers!!!!!!! Coordinate mission symbol with FRO. Fly the mission as released Complete paperwork. Report back to FRO with actual flight time.

Flight Following CAPR 60-1, Para 2-5 says in part that the FRO is “responsible for confirming the aircraft safely arrived at its destination.” FAA flight plans are required for CAP flights beyond 50 NM. FROs may request the pilot file a flight plan instead of using the FRO for flight following.

What a FRO is NOT! Not a flight dispatcher Not a weather forecaster Not a mechanic Not a FAA Safety Inspector Not the Pilot’s Mother Not responsible for the conduct and/or safety of the flight.

Reasons to Decline a Flight Release Doubt about flight safety and legitimacy – Obvious severe weather – Pilot/crew qualification/currency – Is the purpose a legitimate flight IAW 60-1? Aircraft status – IFR Capable – Mechanically sound If it doesn’t feel right, something is probably wrong.

How to resolve FRO concerns If there is a problem, DO NOT release the flight. – Politely state the reasons to the PIC. – Pass the problem up the chain of command. If the problem can be resolved – Release the flight – Pass the problem and resolution up your chain.

FRO Creed I realize I am the last link in the safety chain I follow rules I will take enough time to do it right I will complete records correctly I will ensure positive flight closure If in doubt, I will not grant a flight release I will keep my superiors informed

MO Wing 60-1 supplement Supervised Mission flights are encouraged to use “flight following” utilizing either the GPS tracking website for those aircraft so equipped; or via radio check-ins with the aircraft at 30-minute intervals. The PIC and the FRO will agree prior to departure if the GPS tracker will be used to track the flight.

2015 Missouri Wing Flight Operations Review

Flying in CAP is not a right, but a privilege. (CAPR 60-1, section 2-6, p.12)

Can a CAP check pilot without a medical do my form 5? I’m current! NO, Check pilot must be CAP and FAA qualified (3-7, l, p20). CAP Check Pilot qualifications (Section 3-7): – CAP instructor pilot – CAP instructor pilot must be a qualified CAP VFR pilot – CAP VFR pilot must be qualified in accordance with FAA regulations to operate the aircraft. – FAA regulations requires at least a Class 3 medical to operate the types of aircraft CAP flies.

Check Pilot Examiner – G1000

Check Pilot Examiner - Airplane

Check Pilot – G1000

Instructor Pilot – G1000

Instructor Pilot - Airplane

Will the CAP requirements change if FAA does away with Class 3 medical? No idea. – As currently written, yes. However, CAP NHQ does revise the CAPR 60-1 annually. Please do not assume that if the FAA no longer requires a class 3 medical that CAP will follow suit. – Pilot Bill of Rights 2 does contain third class medical reform. More can be found at News/2015/March/19/PBR2-gains-support. News/2015/March/19/PBR2-gains-support

I’m G1000 qualified, can I do my form 91 in a round dial aircraft, with a non G-1000 Mission Check Pilot and still fly as a MP in G1000 airplanes? YES! – As long as you are current and your last form 5 endorsed you to fly G1000 aircraft. IF you are G1000 qualified and you are doing your Form 91 in a G-1000 airplane, the mission check pilot MUST be G-1000 qualified. Reference 3-7, i and j, p.20

Which seat can I occupy when acting as the PIC? Cessna 182 with G1000 POH states that a pilot must sit in left pilot’s seat, belted in, when autopilot is in use. GA-8 POH states aircraft is designed for PIC to sit in the left seat. Cessna 172 POH states either seat may be used for PIC. CAPR 60-1 does not address who can act as the PIC in the right seat. However, the Wing DOV has determined that the only pilots allowed to act as PIC in the right seat are CAP instructors, CAP check-pilots, or CAP pilots training as a CFI. This falls in line with NHQ DOV Team interpretation.

New Wing policy on moving damaged or mechanically unsound corporate aircraft (supplement to CAPR 60-1, section 2-4 c): Aircraft is immediately grounded at the location of occurrence. Notify Wing DO immediately. If Wing DO cannot be reached then the Wing CC must be contacted. Wing DO will consult with an A&P at the location to obtain information as to the extent of the damage or mechanical defect. Ferry permit will be obtained and aircraft relocated to an approved maintenance base as soon as FEASIBLE (not as soon as possible). Find an appropriate location to tie down/hangar the aircraft in question. Ferry permit REQUIRES a one time A&P endorsement, in the aircraft logbook, in order to legally execute the ferry permit and flight to the maintenance base. The endorsement must contain the specific language found in the ferry permit. ONLY APPROVING AUTHORITY TO MOVE DAMAGED AIRCRAFT IS WING DO or CC, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Who can ride in a CAP airplane? (CAPR 60-1, section2-3) 1.Current CAP members whose category of membership allows them to ride in corporate aircraft as specified in CAPR ROTC/JROTC Cadets on ROTC/JROTC orientation flights. 3.IACE orientation flight cadets and escorts. 4.CAP-USAF personnel on official business. 5.FAA Inspectors 6.FAA designated pilot examiners during flight evaluations. 7.Any passenger can be authorized when essential to the mission. 8.Non-CAP passengers require advance approval through the CAP NOC from NHQ/DO for corporate missions, CAP-USAF/CC for AF training missions, or the approval authority for other AFAMs (CAPF 9).

DO NOT FLY YET! Wing is working on how to handle flying these types of missions. More information to follow in the near future. More information can be found at : pilots.php pilots.php

Abbreviated Form 5 NOT for INITIAL Form 5 (per NHQ DO and NHQ DOV Team). CAN be done for airplane you previously had a CAPF 5 in but do not now. Does not reset the clock on your current CAPF 5. Can be used to add an additional CAP privilege (orientation, instrument, instructor, etc).

Aircraft Logs Must be accurate and correct before being turned in to Wing at end of month. Aircraft Manager (AM) must review for accuracy and correctness prior to submission to Wing. Aircraft Log should agree with what WMIRS shows. If not, AM needs to contact offending pilot and get entry corrected.

Aircraft Logs continued…. AMs should: – Ensure start times for hobbs/tach agree with end times from previous sortie. – Ensure all entries are LEGIBLE!!! – If they don’t match, let us know! Someone has either been flying without logging the time or hobbs/tach has flipped a digit.

Aircraft Logs continued…. Wing WILL: – Be keeping a list of repeat offenders. – Give repeat offenders a chance to correct and get off the list. – Ground repeat offenders if problem persists. – Ground aircraft until log is correct.
