Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 1 Analysis of Census data for Evidence based decision making United Nations Regional Seminar on Promotion and use of Census Results Pretoria, South Africa March 2014 UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS 7/01/2014
Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 2 Contents 1.Background 2.Census The process 4.Census products 5.Analytical Report(s) 6.Sub National Level Analysis 7/01/2014
Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 3 Census 2014 Uganda Planning to carry out the 5 th post independence Census in August; Established Census Management and technical structures at National and Sub-National Levels; Adopted the slogan “Together we count” 7/01/2014
Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 4 Background The value of the census data is in its utilization and not in its production; There is need to ensure that the produced census data is analyzed in a form that satisfies as much as possible the stakeholders; Hence wide stakeholder involvement 7/01/2014
12/13/11Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ The process Begins with producing the Analysis Plan; Engaging stakeholders in reviewing the Plan and reaching a consensus; There after the plan is implemented.
Census Products Updated administrative area maps down to the lowest administrative level (LC1). An area sampling frame to be used in subsequent household based sample surveys and Agricultural Censuses and Surveys. Databases for use by researchers in further analysis. 12/13/11Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
Census Products The Provisional Report – compiled from summary forms immediately after the Census; The main report – A descriptive report on the main topics of the census; Analytical Reports – More detailed analysis of the census data; District Reports – Produced to aid in planning for local Governments 12/13/11Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
Census Products (contd) Census charts: (with similar topics put together) Census atlas (Spatial data) Where are the poor? (Poverty maps): Census information and data from the National household surveys used. Small area profile Integrated Management Information System: (dynamically generated – Tables, graphs, Spatial Info) Administrative Report (Procedural Report) 12/13/11Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 9 Analytical Reports The analytical reports will be: – Demand driven – To cover all topics in the Census Subject matter specialists (about 20) hired to analyse the data and write reports; Data analysts expected to write their chapters in a timely manner (1-2 months)
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 10 Analytical Reports An abridged version of the Analytical report to be developed; In addition the reports will also printed in small volumes containing related topics (monographs); Each with an Executive Summary (6 – 8 pages) covering the entire scope of the analytical reports
Analytical Reports The thematic reports as below: I: Population Size and Distribution. II: Population Composition III: Population Dynamics IV: Economic Characteristics V: Educational Characteristics VI: Household and Housing Conditions VII: Gender and Special Interest Groups VIII: Population projections 11
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 12 National consensus Workshops Report review workshops to be held; Participants to include relevant UBOS staff, the Data Analysts and other stakeholders in the areas covered by the census. For efficiency a number of different workshops of fairly related subjects will be held.
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 13 Marketing and data dissemination strategy The dissemination of census results is within the UBOS Dissemination framework. Data should be free ; A comprehensive census data dissemination and marketing strategy for census 2014 is being finalised;
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 14 Sub-National Level Analysis Information on Local Governments is on high demand in Uganda; Hence analytical results will be required at both national and sub-national levels; No sufficient manpower at UBOS to carry out sub- national level analysis; District Planning Units (DPUs) do not have sufficient skills to carry out the analysis independently. UBOS will conduct one-week regional workshops (8) to train local staff in techniques of analysis and dissemination of census data.
7/01/2014Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 15 Sub-National Level Analysis (contd) During the Workshops, the DPU staff will be trained in the use of Cspro and other software to generate cross tabulations from the data; The DPUs will then be provided with their district specific data (customized to CsPro software) They will be expected to produce district specific analytical reports.
12/13/11Uganda Bureau of Statistics ¤ Plot 9 Colville Street, Kampala Uganda ¤ Website: Tel: +256(0) ¤ 16 END Thank You