By: Reanna Hammond
An average of inches of rain falls a year. No snow falls in the amazon rainforest AMOUNT OF RAINFALL/SNOWFALL PER YEAR
Rarely gets higher than 93 °F, or drop below 68 °F TEMPERATURES PER YEAR
There is 3,000 freshwater fish species, and more than 370 Reptiles. Some animals that live there are: Jaguars Harpy eagles Pink dolphins Many birds and butterflies Southern two-toed sloth Pygmy marmosets Goeldi’s monkeys ANIMAL SPECIES
There is 40,000 plant species. 1.4 billion acres of dense forests PLANT LIFE
More than 30 million people Many different ethnic groups and most live in large ethnic areas. They rely on the Amazon for food and shelter. HUMAN POPULATION
The Amazon rainforest is in a developing country COUNTRY
The terrain is made of many plant species and different vegetation. TERRAIN
They use motorized canoes to get around. TRANSPORTATION
Pictures: vKH7DAwTNc/Tbq9V3IzioI/AAAAAAAAIWQ/lPclZNRlXag/s1600/Amazo n+Rainforest+by+view+world+beauty+%252819%2529.jpg WORKS CITED