Do we learn anything more from this information? Johannes Lingelbach - Dutch painter (1622 – 1647) ‘Peasant Family Having Bread and Wine, The Campo Vaccino, Rome, Beyond’ What do we/can we learn from this picture? Write out as many ideas as you can think of.
‘Then he took a load of bread and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying, ‘This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me’. And he did the same with the cup after supper, saying ‘This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood’ Roman Catholic Real Presence Protestant Reminder Quaker Nice but not essential ritual
Can we revaluate this image?
Does religious art have to have a religious subject? To know how religious concepts can be applied to different art and images To understand the issue of subjective perception and art To reflect on whether art can actually have meaning
How do we look at a picture? Image in head! World History Personal History Society’s current way of thinking Personal Feelings at that time Emotions of those around you Dreams Secrets Religion World History Personal History Society’s current way of thinking Personal Feelings at that time Emotions of those around you Dreams Secrets Religion The picture is about x Ah... So the picture is about y Is this a problem? What other factors might affect perception?
EXPLICITObvious Other images might include Crucifixion, Image of God etc. IMPLICITImplied Themes can be applied/seen. Sacrifice, Joy, Understanding
Plenary Does religious art have to have a religious subject? How does what we have looked at today further confuse the issue of categorisation and definition of religious art? How might purpose or use be of some assistance here in categorising and defining religious art? HMWK: Find an image which doesn’t seem religious but which you can apply a religious theme to. Be prepared to talk about it next lesson.