Reading Assignment: Chapter 16--Relict Bony Fishes end
Passive processes: Diffusion, osmosis, pressure, & molecular movement from electrochem. Forces are passive processes require no energy from organism Active Processes-those that require organism to expend energy. needed for homeostasis; to counter some passive processes end
Definitions: Ionic Regulation: maintenance of concentrations of specific ions Osmoregulation: maintenance of constant concentrations of total dissolved substances in extracellular fluids end
Four osmoregulatory strategies in fishes: 1. Isosmotic (nearly isoionic) essentially no regulation body fluids same osmotic conc. as environment advantages and disadvantages? Examples: many inverts. Hagfishes; only marine spp. end
Four osmoregulatory strategies in fishes continued: 2. Isosmotic with regulation of specific ions organic salts stored in extracellular fluids (prim. urea) Inorganic salt conc. approx. 1/3 seawater rectal gland secretes Na+ and Cl- in conc close to that of seawater (active process) advantages and disadvantages? Examples: elasmobranchs, coelacanth (marine) end
Four osmoregulatory strategies in fishes continued: 3. Osmotic & ionic regulation by marine teleosts ionic conc. Approx 1/3 of seawater drink copiously to gain water Chloride cells eliminate Na+ and Cl- kidneys eliminate Mg++ and SO4= advantages and disadvantages? Examples: saltwater teleosts end
Saltwater teleosts: active passive H2O drink Na+, Cl- Na+, Cl- Mg++, SO4= Na+, Cl- Mg++, SO4= chloride cells kidneys end
Chloride Cell fig 6.2: + active passive sea water gut chloride cell charge PC Na+, Cl- pavement cell chloride cell charge accessory cell PC Cl- Na+ + gut carrier 2Cl- pump Na+ Na+ K+ ATPase Na+,K+ K+ ion channel mitochondria internal (blood) tubular system end
Four osmoregulatory strategies in fishes continued: 4. Osmotic & ionic regulation by FW teleosts ionic conc. Approx 1/3 of seawater don’t drink Chloride cells fewer, work in reverse kidneys eliminate excess water; ion loss ammonia & bicarbonate ion exchange mechanisms advantages and disadvantages? Examples: FW teleosts; FW elasmobranchs end
pumps; beta chloride cells Freshwater teleosts: active passive H2O don’t drink Na+, Cl- Na+, Cl- water Ion exchange pumps; beta chloride cells kidneys end
Ion Exchange Mechanisms freshwater interior gill membrane Na+? Na+ active pump ATP Cl-? NH4+ or H+ Cl- active pump ATP HCO3- end
Freezing Resistance: What fishes might face freezing? hagfishes? isotonic marine elasmobranchs? freshwater teleosts? hypertonic marine teleosts? hypotonic end
Solution for cold-adapted marine teleosts: Macromolecular antifreeze compounds peptides (protein) glycopeptides (carbohydrate/protein) { rich in alanine molecules adsorb to ice crystal surface interfere with ice crystal growth ice ruptures cells; interferes with osmotic balance end
Growth: Longevity Note: aging with scales, bones, otoliths unconfirmed reports of carp 200-400 yr. authenticated records for carp 50 yr. large fish-few > 12-20 yr. some marine spp > 100 yr. thornyspines, orange roughy many small spp-2 yr. or less (sardines, anchovies) Note: aging with scales, bones, otoliths end
Growth: Other Generalities females often larger than males growth rate varies with temp. longevity inversely proportional to temp. stress reduces growth dominance hierarchies - dominant get food overcrowding can lead to stunting indeterminate growth - grow throughout life growth highly variable - can loose weight end
Bioenergetic Definition of Growth energy accumulation (calories) vs. length or weight end
Bioenergetics continued: Energy Budget: I = M + G + E where: I = ingested energy M = energy expended for metabolism G = energy stored as growth E = energy lost to environment end
Bioenergetic Energy Budget: heat G I M E end
Bioenergetics continued: Ex: M = energy for body repair maintenance activity digestion end
Bioenergetics continued: Ex: E = energy in feces ammonia, or urea mucus epidermal cells end
Terms: Standard Metabolic Rate Routine Metabolic Rate maintenance met.; no growth, no activity Routine Metabolic Rate typical met.; routine growth & activity Active Metabolic Rate max. aerobic metabolism end
Factors Affecting Growth: Temperature routine active standard scope Metabolic Rate { activity growth Where would growth be best? Temperature end
Factors Affecting Growth: Temperature normal O2 reduced O2 Metabolic Rate reduced scope reduced growth Temperature end
Growth will not occur at low O2 Ex: LMB cease growing below 5 mg/L end
Factors Affecting Growth: Dissolved oxygen O2 regulator (most species) Routine Metabolism O2 conformer critical O2 concentration 8 4 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L end
These will replace the diffusion and osmosis slides above. The following slides are animated with a feature that does not work on powerpoint2000. save for use when 105 gets ppxp These will replace the diffusion and osmosis slides above. end
water substance end
water substance end
water substance
water substance
water substance
water substance