October 14, 2011 Today’s Schedule: Brief explanation of Ellis Island Poem “Ellis Island” by Joseph Bruchac (as a class) TPCASTT Template “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus (on your own)
Ellis Island Ellis Island opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station and closed in 1954. Located in the upper New York Bay 40 percent of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island
TPCASTT Title: of poem means—predict what poem might be about “Ellis Island” by Joesph Bruchac Immigration/ Immigrants History on Ellis Island
“Ellis Island” By Joseph Bruchac Beyond the red brick of Ellis Island where the two Slovak children who became my grandparents waited the long days of quarantine, after leaving the sickness, the old empires of Europe, a Circle Line ship slips easily on its way to the island of the tall woman, green as dreams of forests and meadows waiting for those who’d worked a thousand years yet never owned their own. Like millions of others, I too come to this island, nine decades the answerer of dreams. Yet only one part of my blood loves that memory. Another voice speaks of native lands within this nation. Lands invaded when the earth became owned. Lands of those who followed the changing Moon, knowledge of the season in their veins.
Paraphrase parts of the Poem in your own words Like millions of others, I too come to this island, nine decades the answerer of dreams. Paraphrase this short part in your own words. Just like other generations, the speaker of the poem went to Ellis Island, which was the answer to all their dreams that have come true.
Connotation What is the meaning of the words/phrases beyond their dictionary definition (denotation)? “Answerer” Someone who replies to a question or statement (Dictionary Definition). Ellis Island is the answer or reason that the speaker’s dreams have come true.
Attitude and Shifts Attitude What is the attitude of the author, characters or yourself? At first I felt… “Like millions of others” Speaker went from talking about the past to talking about him/her self. Shift At first we think or feel one way – then there is a shift: identify the shifts and explain them “Yet only one part of my blood loves that memory” Speaker connects the poem with the past and present.
On Your Own/Quietly Please Analyze the poem: “The New Colossus” By Emma Lazarus Using the TPCASTT Template Finish for Monday as homework. There will not be any time given on Monday to complete this. Monday: Beginning the Immigration Unit