PowerPoint Jeopardy RussiaGermany“Isms”PeopleMiscellaneous
What was the purpose of the Five-Year-Plan? Category 1 – 10 points
How did Russia’s involvement in WWI impact the Russian government? (negatively) Category 1 – 20 points
What type of people supported the Red Army in the Russian Civil War? Category 1 – 30 points
How did the communist revolution impact women? (positively) Category 1 – 40 points
What does USSR stand for? Category 1 – 50 points
Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, in English means: Category 2 – 10 points
What was Hitler’s main method for achieving lebensraum? Category 2 – 20 points
What was the name of the area in Czechoslovakia in which many Germans lived? Category 2 – 30 points
The Munich Conference was held to address the problems of a German threat to the nation of: Category 2 – 40 points
Why did Germans take Hitler and his message so seriously? (What was going on in Germany) Category 2 – 50 points
If a person values equality more than freedom, what “ism” would they prefer? Category 3 – 10 points
What are 3 similarities of Communism and Fascism? Category 3 – 20 points
Nazism was the German form of ________. Category 3 – 30 points
What is a totalitarian state? Category 3 – 40 points
What is the main idea behind existentialism? Category 3 – 50 points
Who was the 1 st Communist leader of Russia? Category 4 – 10 points
Who ruled Russia when WWI began? He was later executed. Category 4 – 20 points
This man had great control over the czarina. He was murdered by Russian nobles. Category 4 – 30 points
Who was the leader of the Third Reich? Category 4 – 40 points
Who were the Bolsheviks? Category 4 – 50 points
A non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union in 1939 was signed by: Category 5 – 10 points
What promises were made to the Indian people in exchange for their service In WWI? Category 5 – 20 points
What was Kristallnacht? Category 5 – 30 points
What is appeasement? Category 5 – 40 points
In 1935, Italy invaded and defeated what country? Category 5 – 50 points