By: Michael Toth and Amariah Blanton
Old Kingdom Old Kingdom started at B.C. The kingdom was called “Age of the Pyramids.” Old Kingdom was the most dynamic period Egyptians had. OLD KINGDOM
POWERFUL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT The Egyptian Government went to farms and villages to huge towns and cities. After the cities were built the Pharaoh and his advisors made Memphis the capital and made the first government.
NEW PROFESSIONS The professions are vizier, priest, farmer. A vizier is a second in command to the pharoah. A priest is the leader of the mass. A farmer makes the food and crops for the community. Other profesians are hunter,, fisherman, artists, architects, shipbuilders.
NEW HORIZONS Trade has expanded a lot for Egyptians. Wide beamed vessels were loaded with traded pottery stone vases, statues, and jewelry.
EGYPT ENTERS THE COPPER AGE Around this time the Asians were settling in Sinai. It was the copper age because this is when they found lots of copper mining and other minerals. Pepi 1 showed up at the end of the copper age and became pharoah.
THE EGYPTIANS’ DISTRUST OF FOREIGNERS Their were some foreigners despite the trades. Most Egyptian were suspicious of foreigners. Egyptian people didn’t travel far from where they live. Egyptians were big stay home people.
CONCEPT OF WRITING ARRIVES FROM THE MIDDLE EAST On very rare occasions they will get foreign innovations. Civilization from modern Iraq brought a concept of drawing symbols. The civilization was named Sumer. Old kingdom had created their own written language using symbols known as hieroglyphs.
CONSTRUCTION OF THE PYRAMIDS By 2600 BC the Egyptians mastered many basic concepts in mathematics, geomerty, and science. This knowledge let them build huge stone monuments called pyramid. We will tell more about the pyramids in chapter 7.
THE END OF ORDER The last pharaoh of old Eygpt was king Pepi II and he was the one who maried non royal
DECLINE OF THE OLD KINGDOM Because of many achievements in the old kingdom like math and science this kingdom was named the intellectual period. The old kingdom came to a decline in the 6 th dynasty. Greedy landowners mainly refused to pay taxes. Since this happened the government cant watch everybody at once so the landowners became rich.
All good things must come to an end so the Old Kingdom did. I hope you also liked our PowerPoint on the Old Kingdom; like I said all good things come to an end and this PowerPoint will have to too. Thank you for watching.