Cloud Migration Campfire Stories CSG Short Workshop Spring 2014, Notre Dame
Cloud Campfire Stories Note: We do not have survey results!
Cloud Campfire Stories Stories from each camper: Stanford, Notre Dame, Duke, UW(maybe) Break (2:45-ish) Columbia, Cornell, Harvard(maybe) Panel
Cloud Campfire Stories
Cloud Adoption at Stanford Broad use of SaaS Some significant PaaS usage Emerging IaaS deployments
Everybody’s a player All you need is an address and a credit card… SaaS for all vs. all for SaaSall for SaaS
Not everyone wants to be a player Vendor management Gnarly policy issues Systems engineering complexities Integration complexities
AWS Deployments Class2Go, etc. Several research groups Emergency status Next month, go-live for homepagehomepage
Amazon Web Services AWS training: 45 technical staff have taken three day “Architecting for AWS” course 15 more in early June. This has brought distributed interests out of shadows/silos.
Amazon Web Services Challenges: Consolidation Data classification, compliance and FUD Policy and Risk Management need further refactoring DirectConnect
Google Compute Shiny but rough Lots of interest in/from research computing Google willing to talk leveraging existing peering and SDN with us
Other IaaS and the “Virtual Datacenter” Before doing more vendor specific work, it’s time for an abstraction layer! Consider all the process and expertise IT provides to deliver on datacenter services…much of that translates.
More of everything I don’t see fewer computing instances More service administration Seeing benefits of consolidation, automation and virtualization Integration to infrastructure Integration between SaaS to ____
Pass the flashlight over to Sharif