Benefits of World Language Study By Melisia Taylor
General Benefits Elevated academic performance Expanded employability Financial, economic, and business literacy Higher achievement on standardized tests Improved problem solving skills Increased cognitive ability Increased brain elasticity (learning and memory) Smarter decisions – enhanced deliberation Improved creativity Off-set of age-related cognitive losses Improved communication skills Possesses 21st Century Skills indispensable to the global citizen
Employment & Careers Highest unemployment rate is between year olds Amongst this age group, those with world language experience (WLE) have a 30% better chance of being hired Employers usually pay those with WLE 2%-3% more
Employment ~ 4,600 French companies conduct business in the U.S., providing over 650,000 American jobs U.S. is 4 th largest exporter of goods to Germany Japanese companies number ~ 900+ in Ohio and Michigan alone and employ ~ 109,000+ people NAFTA - trade with Canada and Mexico is ~ $1.2 trillion, and the two countries buy about one-third of U.S. merchandise exports Trade with Canada and Mexico supports nearly 14 million U.S. jobs
Job Search WLE adds to marketability WLE provides distinguishability WLE shows capable of relationship building WLE appeals to global companies WLE lends to improved crucial business skills
Employers’ Perception of Candidates w/ Language Experience Adaptable Self-confident Broad perspective Greater understanding of the big picture Flexible skills Provide expansion possibilities to the business Understand other cultures Distinguishable from other employees Go-getter
Economic WEF (World Economic Forum) Competitive Index Global Competitive Index Rankings: 1 - Switzerland 2 - Singapore 3 - Finland 4 - Germany 5 - USA 6 - Sweden 7 - Hong Kong SAR 8 - Netherlands 9 - Japan 10 - UK
Economic Foreign language services are a $20 billion industry Much of the growth potential for businesses is overseas Globalization requires cultural aptitude as well as language Improving foreign language skills could possibly decrease the trade gap and improve exports
Employment & Careers Language and business studies can prepare you for work in international commerce, such as: banking marketing import export purchasing finance advertising consulting Other professions in which knowledge of languages can be helpful may include: government service social work architecture engineering journalism public relations library service archaeology philosophy medicine the travel industry telecommunications music theater research Careers that benefit or require language skills: Communications International telephone operators
Employment & Careers Foreign news correspondents Foreign news photographers Translators of books, articles, and reviews Film production and entertainment media Editors for university and other presses Business Fashion buyers Personnel managers Public relations experts Business executives Representatives of foreign companies International banking and finance International lawyers and patent attorneys Government Services Diplomatic corps Court interpreters and translators U.S. customs agents U.S. Naturalization Service agents U.S. Postal Service Intelligence work Social Services Nursing in ethnic communities Law enforcement officers Public assistance interviewers Health services Multilingual defense attorneys
Employment & Careers Information Services Translators of foreign publications in private and public libraries Classifiers of foreign documents Research librarians, library acquisition specialists Education Textbook authors and editors Public education teachers in bilingual settings Language teachers University schools of education Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESOL) Overseas teaching for private corporations and international schools Scientific Fields Scientific research and translating Archaeology Museum studies Hospital management Studying or practicing medicine in the United States or overseas Travel Services Hotel and resort staff and management Travel agents Airline flight attendants Airport personnel Foreign travel advisors Tour guides
Sources “Do Small Businesses Need to be Multilingual?” by David Sims |Industry Market Trends July 11th, 2013David Sims Innovation/__Climate__Business__Science.html Innovation/__Climate__Business__Science.html ajors/careers ajors/careers freakonomics-radio-podcast/ freakonomics-radio-podcast/ laboratory/why-study-foreign-language laboratory/why-study-foreign-language LISTENING TO WHAT THE WORLD SAYS: BILINGUALISM AND EARNINGS IN THE UNITED STATES Albert Saiz and Elena Zoido* Yo Azawa, Teacher of the Year 2012, Presentation at EMU January 2013.
Sources development/learning-a-language-help professionally.htm foreign-language-will-help-your-career nlanguages/academicadmissions/majors/careers foreign-language/ Learning_a_Foreign_Language_Can_Help ml learning-still-important “Nafta Triumphant: Assessing Two Decades of of Gain in Trade, Growth, and Jobs”. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division., 2012.