Computer Game 이제희, 권태경 Fall, 2006
Time and place Mon. and Wed. 4:00-5:15pm (but may be extended up to 6pm) Building 302 room 107 Two classes are merged –Balanced enrollments
The class will comprise teaching –Prof. Lee and Prof. Kwon will give most of lectures –A few invited lectures –One exam (30%), early Nov. term project –three presentations (50%) outline, standalone demo, networked demo Attendance and homework –Mostly attendance (20%)
Two TAs They will help your term projects Semun Lee –smlee (at) mmlab (dot) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr –Office: –Phone : Kang Hoon Lee –zoi (at) mrl (dot) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr –Office: –Phone:
contact game (at) mrl (dot) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr The mail will be forwarded to all instructors and assistants
textbooks You don’t need to buy these books A list of recommended books –Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming Daniel Sanchez-Crespo Dalmau, New Riders Games –Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams, New Riders Games –Chris Crawford on Game Design Chris Crawford, New Riders Games
Term project Phases –brainstorm a game idea –Game Proposal –Game Design and implementation Progress Report –Standalone version demo –Networked version demo
Term project 3-4 persons per team 1 st presentation –Oct. 9 th Progress report to TAs –Oct. 23 rd and Nov. 6 th 2 nd presentation (Standalone) –Nov. 20 th 3 rd presentation (Networked) –Dec. 13 th Creativity will be the major concern!
Pre-requisites Undergraduate computer graphics Programming skills for C or C++ Programming skills for OpenGL or DirectX are required Socket programming will be introduced briefly in the class
Any questions? Team arrangement –Use BBS in course web. 학기 후 추가 개발로 컴전 전시 가능 ?