Children’s Books assignments Wendy Y. Navas Ivy Tech Edu 255
Standard #1: Learner Development The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Name of Artifact: Children’s Books Assignments Date: September 25, 2013 Course: EDUC 255 Brief Description: For this assignment, I gathered a series of books that were favorites of mine as a child. These are books that I will use to teach my class not only about reading but also what giving, bullying, and responsibility is all about. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #2, Learner Development, I selected to include pictures of the books intended for this project and a brief summary of what each book entitles. This way we will be well aware as future educators how good these books are that I mentioned and why they can become a part of anyone’s collection.
Goodnight Moon The little bunny is tucked into bed. He starts to describe everything in the room based on color, sound and visual. Before closing his eyes he says goodnight to everything. Author: Margaret Wise Brown Age Range: Up to two years
The Giving Tree A Tree provides the boy with all of the necessities of life, from allowing him to swing on her branches as a boy to in the end allowing him to rest on her stump as an old man Author Shel Silverstein Age Range: 6-8 years
The Hundred Dresses Wanda Petronski is criticized and made fun due to her name and simple blue dress that she wears on a daily basis. After she changes schools her classmates realize just how talented she really is. Author: Eleanor Estes Age Range: 6-10 years
The Indian In The Cupboard A little boy is given a used toy by his best friend. Once the toy becomes a real human, both the toy, the little boy and the best friend learn to accept their differences and what trust and honor is. Author: Lynne Reid Banks Age Range: 8-12 years
The Chronicles of Narnia This book is a series of books that uses imagination and creativity. Each child experiences their own battles and encounters their own heroism in each individual book. All leading up to the big ending, and showing them how to grow and become an adult. Author: C.S Lewis Age Range: 9-12 years