Mrs. Salvi Agenda for February 18, 2015 Science 7: Health: Visit from Duquesne University Pharmaceutical Students!
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for February 18, 2015 Science 6: Health: Visit from Duquesne University Pharmaceutical Students!
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for February 18, 2015 Science 5: Objective: Students understand the concept of topography and the effects of elevation on the water cycle. Engage: Question of the day? What is topography? Explore: Squaw Valley Park Topographic Map ndardpitrex_prd&carea=%24ROOT&layout=6_1_61_48&uiarea=2)/.do’;/x Explain: Characteristics of topographic maps: 1.. All points along the same contour line are at the same elevation.2. All contour lines eventually connect with themselves.3. Contour lines never cross each other. 4. Contour lines never split or branch. Elaborate: How do the hydrosphere and geosphere interact in the water cycle? Concepts/The-water-cycle Evaluate: Students will write about the interactions between they hydrosphere and the geosphere.
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for February 18, 2015 Science 8: Objective: Describe the motion of an object as it accelerates. Calculate acceleration. Describe what graphs are used to analyze the motion of an accelerating object. Engage: Question of the Day? What kind of motion does acceleration refer to? (Formative Assessment) Explore: Acceleration Video clip on Learn 360 Explain: Acceleration, Change in speed per unit of time. Velocity=m/s, Acceleration=m/s 2. speed versus time graph and distance versus time graph. Find Acceleration by calculating the slope of the line. Elaborate: Math Skills: Calculating Speed and Calculating Acceleration (Formative Assessment) Evaluate: Guided Reading and Study - Acceleration (Summative assessment)
Mrs. Salvi Agenda for February 18, 2015 Science 4 Health Objective: Student understands the organs and the function of the digestive system Engage: Students will make corrections to their science tests Explore: Yoga pose of the day - yoga twists are good for digestion Explain: Path of food through the digestive system. Mechanical and chemical digestion Elaborate: The Digestion Song - DE Streaming Evaluate: Digestion diagram