I’ve learned that I am my child’s most important teacher.
Did you know? 19 years teaching Humanities in CR With 12 years in regular education in grades 2-6 GRAND TOTAL= 31 years teaching experience Master’s Degree plus in Education with focus in Social Studies and Fine Arts
THANK YOU Council Rock Education Foundation
Don’t worry that children never listen to you: worry that they are always watching you. Robert Fulghum
MY WISH LIST… ALWAYS CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION OR CONCERN. WE HAVE THE SAME GOALS for OUR KIDS. Promote self reliance but be in charge. Seek first to understand.
What will my child need to do to be successful in Humanities?
Three Words on my philosophy
Integrity Resourcefulness Ambition Resilience 1. CHARACTER Based on research from the book: How Children Succeed by Paul Tough
2. CREATIVITY It is not always the big “C” but the small “c’ that counts. Sometimes the most important lessons in life are the ones we learn from our mistakes.
3. EFFORT Humanities Curriculum focuses on: Establishing Deep Roots Moving Toward Expertise Developing Passion Experiencing, Accepting, and Embracing Challenge
For Your Information
Homework Meant to reinforce and review class activity. Should not take more than 10 minutes per night – on average. Multiple nights are given for assignments that take longer. Stamp indicates completed on time Not all assignments are graded No meltdowns allowed – see information on website for strategies and tips.
COURSE ASSESSMENT For everyday or ongoing work assessment is based on these 3 principles: Is the student challenging himself/herself? Does the work demonstrate focus and elaboration? Is the student making connections that show insight and creativity?
How are students assessed? All written projects will have an attached rubric. Test and Quiz grades Notebooks will be graded- this incorporates the homework Class participation- teacher observation Student self-reflection
DID YOU KNOW? NES website Mrs. Yankovich NES website Homework is entered on a weekly basis. PLEASE use this as a general guide. Assignment books are the best way to check homework assignments. Curriculum Updates: I will post pictures and give you an overview of current topics. – updated each marking period- Links pages are used by students for research and resources to enhance text.
“In years to come a child may forget what you taught them. But will always remember how you made them feel.”