FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Nature of Course The course seeks to equip students with management knowledge and skills. Many engineering graduates weak in management skills. It is not a engineering degree that lead to an engineering licence from the Engineering Council.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Course Modules 1. Graduate Skills 2. Research Methods 3. Operations Management 4. Contemporary Issues in IT 5. Global Influences 6. Supply Chain Management 7. Project Management 8. Dissertation
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Graduate Skills Undertake a personal skills audit and prepare, implement and evidence a development plan. Reflect on their own achievements and progression Manage and take part in a group project Prepare themselves for applying for paid or voluntary employment. Identify career opportunities and evaluate their personal skills against person specifications completing action plans to manage identified skills gaps. Develop a CV through review and reflection of a skills audit and compile a maintained portfolio of related evidence. View and reflect upon an “information” interview.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Research Methods Demonstrate the ability to recognise, describe and evaluate the range of theoretical perspectives of research methods within the business and management context. Identify, apply and evaluate appropriate research methods, suitable for a particular situation, task or project in a variety of applied contexts. Design and plan a research-based project, identifying and making use of appropriate methods and skills. Judge and evaluate development of skills through understanding and application of research methods.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Global Influences Identify a range of contexts that contribute to shaping global issues. Understand and reflect upon the theories and concepts associated with Globalisation Apply a critical and analytical approach to organisational literature and demonstrate the links between global contexts and the inter-relationships and interactions of theory and practice. Demonstrate creativity in their approaches to problem resolution in relation to global issues impinging and influencing the organisational level. Critically evaluate the contribution of predominant management orthodoxies to the consideration of global issues.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Contemporary Issues in Technology Discuss and evaluate a range of emerging technologies, and critically evaluate their relationship with established technologies. Analyse the potential wider impact of technological change. Make recommendations to ensure the sustainability of new technologies.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Operations Management Demonstrate awareness of the role and function of operations and logistics management and be able to apply concepts, frameworks, theories and ideas to actually existing organisational problems. Be able to recognise the specificity of operations managements to organisational problem solving and be able to choose the right technologies, practices and management tools for any given organisational scenario To apply an analytical approach to an evaluation of operations and logistics tasks and be able to make informed contributions to strategic organisational debates through recognising the key role of operations management in business performance
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Supply Chain Management Define an organisations’ supply chain and its particular characteristics. Contribute to the development of a sustainable supply chain management system. Apply analytical and management techniques relating to supply chain management Analyse the impact of a range of current developments in the design and management of a supply chain
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Project Management Critically analyse the key principles associated with effective project management. Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of different project management methodologies. Plan and control a project within resource and budgetary constraints using an appropriate project management software package. Critically evaluate issues surrounding the management of projects and alternate approaches to potential problem areas. Critically evaluate issues surrounding the management of projects and alternate approaches to potential problem areas.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Dissertation Effectively execute a small scale piece of research. Demonstrate an understanding of the advantages and drawbacks of the different research methods available and provide a critique of the methodology they have adopted. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of existing research and theoretical perspectives relevant to the topic they have researched. Students should demonstrated breadth, and in particular depth, of subject knowledge and understanding. Provide a focused and rigorous analysis of their chosen area of research. The relationship between existing research and theories and the findings of their own research should be critically analysed and evaluated. Complete a clear, coherent, well-structured and professionally presented dissertation.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Learning hours 1. 6 hours per week 2. Classes on Sundays 3. For each module student will be provided a module handbook that spells out the learning outcomes, content, assessment requirements etc
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Assessment Each module has its own assessment requirement. All assessment are by assignments and some require group activity and presentation. Passing mark: 40%
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 Module, name & number Assessment 1Assessment 2 Semester 1 Graduate Skills BUS2116F Review of portfolio 100% Supply Chain Management BUS3123F Case Study 70 % 2,500 words Essay 30% 1,500 words Research Methods BUS2003F Group Activity 40% 1,500 words Dissertation Proposal 60% 1,000 words Global Influences BUS3010F 3,000 word essay 100% Semester 2 Operations Management BUS3020F Formative assessment of portfolio Case based portfolio (no word limit specified) Cont. Issues in Technology BUS3121F Scoping paper 20% 300 words Seminar Paper 40% 1500 words Presentation Tutor 20% Peer 20 % Project Management for Engineers BUS3122F Group report 50 % 2000 words Project plan using software 50 % 2000 words Semester 3 Dissertation BUS3001F 100% 8-10,000 words
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Resources 1. All students will have access to Edge Hill University’s virtual learning environment and can access books, journals and magazines. 2. Students will also get their own account 3. Students can use “Turnitin” to see how much of their work is original.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Duration 1 to 1.5 years Classroom teaching - 1 year Dissertation writing – 6 months
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Fees Application Fee: $50 Tuition Fees: S$13,950 Payment Schedule: 9 Installments of S$1,550 every 2months, or 3 Installments of S$4,650 every 6months (Note: GST has to be paid on all fees) Note: Some banks and finance institution offer study loans with competitive interest rates ( 3% - 7%) and repayment period (1-8 yrs)
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Lecturers: 1. All lecturers are approved by the University 2. University own lecturers from UK will conduct briefings from time to time.
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management On-line Services Student enrolled for the programme will have access to the university’s Virtual Learning Environment and can access on- line books, journals etc
FYITS – Students Mktg Briefing Nov 2010 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management Can course be longer? Yes if student fails a module and has to do a re-test or re-module