Rotary International in Ireland District Council January 2012 Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) The 21 st Century
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 RIBI Is RIBI fit for purpose? What is RIBIs purpose? Who does it serve and how? How does it serve us?
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 What Rotarians in RIBI Say Quinquennial Review Committee Recommended widespread change in the governance of RIBI based on a survey that drew 5,556 responses Their conclusions were reinforced by the work of 6 focus groups
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 What Rotarians in RIBI Say 2020 Vision Group Set up in 2009 to look at what Rotary should look like in 2020 also concluded that a substantial overhaul of the structure of RIBI was needed
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 What Rotarians in RIBI Say RIBI General Council - RIBI Executive RIBI must focus on its reason for existing and those whom it serves Major organisational, Structural and process change is needed urgently
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 Current RIBI Governance Representative Professional ConformancePerformance Servant/masterEqual partners Chris Cornforth, OU Business School & Rotarian Stephen Chorley
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 Proposed RIBI Governance Representative Professional ConformancePerformance Servant/ masterEqual partners Chris Cornforth, OU Business School & Rotarian Stephen Chorley
The Current Structure of RIBI RIBI Clubs DGs RI District Councils Set up as a supervisory body Essentially representative Reactionary rather than promotional
Rotary International in Ireland District Council January 2012 The General Council’s Proposals
RIBI Redefined Supervision and Leadership RIBI Clubs DGs RI Board Services and Feedback Territorial Unit RepresentativeProfessional RIBI Board DGs Forum
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 RIBIs Purpose Support and strengthen clubs Focus on increased humanitarian service Enhance public image and awareness Ensure an appropriate governance system
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 A new sense of purpose Driven by a strategy and business plan based on the RI strategy Measurable performance outcomes Imbibed with Rotary values ConformancePerformance
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 The RIBI Board 5 RIBI Officers, the CEO, ex officio with no vote and 9 general members Election by Rotary Clubs based on a defined skill-set and confirmed at RIBI ABM No geographical ‘constituencies’ Committee chairs to attend as requested (Board members may be chairs)
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 The RIBI Board Membership Requirements 7 years Rotary experience Past club President 2 years district experience (may be a past DG, but not necessary) 3 year tenure (2 terms maximum) Chair of Board-separation from President role
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 DGs at the centre DGs at the centre of the proposed structure as RI officers in their districts They will meet as a ‘forum,’ chaired by the RIBI President and – Set annual priorities for RIBI services – Monitor the Board’s performance – Pass opinions on the Board’s programmes – Exchange experience in managing their Districts RIBI clubs DGs RI
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 The Annual Business Meeting Ratify Board membership Approve budget Receive an annual report on performance Debate and approve strategy for RIBI programmes Focused on developing Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, not on by-laws and structure
Rotary International in Ireland District Council January 2012 What will this mean for us?
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 What’s in it for us? RIBI will focus on providing services focused on what Rotarians tell RIBI they find helpful Rotarians dues will not be paying for a top heavy organisation that seems to exist for its own sake RIBI will listen to Rotarian’s views on how Rotary should change to meet new challenges
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 What’s in it for us? Rotarians will have only one line of supervision – through the DG to the RI Board Everything that RIBI does will be accountable to Rotarians through the DG
Rotary International in Ireland District Council January 2012 Next steps
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 Next steps Announce proposals & listen to Rotarians A draft budget for the new Board that takes account of the of the new structure Draw up changes in the RIBI By-laws for consideration at the Annual Business Meeting in April 2012 If these are accepted Appoint the first Management Board to go live 1 July 2013
100 Years of Rotary in Ireland District Council January 2012 Questions to Consider Have we got the proposed structure right? What are the key services that RIBI should provide? What is your vision of Rotary’s role in the 21 st Century? Watch for future announcements on the RIBI website, RIBI magazine, by newsletter and provide feedback by using
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