Workpackage 3 Overall presentation 9.45 – 11.30
Outline 2 Workpackage 39:45 until 11:30 -WP3 overview09.45 – Deliverable – AtGentSchool Demo10.15 – The components used AtGentNet Demo
AtGentSchool Support adaptive scaffolding: “Temporary transfer the control of the learners proces to a more experienced actor.”
Development AtGentschool - overall 4 AtgentSchool Pilots Version 1; Prague Version 2; Netherlands WOZ version + Prototype Specifications Conceptual framework DOW WP1 Conceptual framework WP2 setting up a WOZ + specs WP3 Prototyping WP5 Czech pilot WP5 Pilot Dutch schools WP3 Development next version Dec Nov. 2007
Central challenge AtgentSchool 5
Implementation of Atgentive compontents within AtGentSchool
Flow for attentional support 7
Changes within AtGentSchool Context / registration of: User current tasks Logging served interventions ‘small’ Learnermodel: age and level Projectscreen: Central screen for the overal activities (= workflow) Capturing the progress “what activity is next” Agent Follows intervention model With 1 modality
Step 1. Introduce yourself Step 2. Set a goal Step 3. Make the mind map Step 4. Discover Step 5. Answering the questionaire Task model
The intervention model Interventions based on a type: MetaCognition – learning proces Cognition – content Behavioural - navigate within the system Motivational – Motivate with interaction
MetaCognive interventions Goal: support the student in constructing a better understanding of tasks and their relation with the main assignment. MC – Orientation Start task MC – Explaination Start task / continuation MC – Monitoring End task
MC Introduction – Step Introduction
MC – Explanation – Step setting your goal
MC Monitoring – Step Introduction
MC Monitoring – Step setting your goal
MC Introduction – Step Mindmap
Cognitive interventions Goal: to adjust / explain the learning activity at hand to support the learner with its current task. C Support – Explanation of the content C Resources – additional explanation (eg soluitions of other users
C Support – Step Introduction
C Support – Step introduction
Motivational interventions Goal : to support and motivate the user by interaction with the agent. Motivation suport – incentives Emotional – happy, sad, neutral reactions & quesions
Motivational - Sad
Behavioural interventions Goal: direct the user towards simple behavioural user actions (based on application events). Behavioural – external events Behavioural – navigational support
Behavioural – Navigational check
Behavioural – Lost
Development of the next generation
Questions raised after the Czech pilot “a first Feedback – loop” 26 Why did the students perform better on more complex tasks and is there only a small difference in the easy tasks? How can we further support students; when is more help needed? What are the individual differences between students and how could we incorporate this in the support of the agent? Need for further experiments to construct a ‘product’.
Requirements futher development Flexibility 27 More configurations possibilities within Ontdeknet Creating project screens; task models Usage of external content within the project screen Registration of learner model and adjust agents interventions Usage of project screen within external ELO’s Better configuration of the Reasoning module Editing the intervention model Specifying business rules for the interventions
Results 28 Ontdeknet improvements: New projectscreens (more different templates) Create your own projectscreen (integration of external content) Add-in player for other ELO’s
Development AtGentschool 2/3 29 Improved Agent Management System (AMS) Intervention templates Visualizing the flow - charts
Development tested in AtGentschool 2nd pilot 30 Focus on new configurations with 3 conditions: Control Experimental 1 Experimental 2 2 nd Pilot in the Netherlands 3 schools 156 pupils (54 groups with 3 pupils) 3 conditions: control, experimental 1 en experimental 2.
AtGentSchool Demo