WRTC 2006 Florianópolis, Brazil July 2006 World RadioSport Team Championship
Speakers IntroRoger, G3SXW CompetitorMarios, 5B4WN RefereeDon, G3XTT Judge‘Smee again
WRTC Goals The Ham Radio Contesting Olympics To Find the World’s Best Contester To Foster International Friendship To Develop Contesting Technology
WRTC History 1990Seattle 1996San Francisco 2000Slovenia 2002Finland 2006Brazil
Team Selection Individuals, not Countries 47 Teams, all Continents Points from all Major Contests in Previous 3 Years Team-Captains Invite Team-Mate 3 Young Contester + 1 YL Teams
The Format Two-Man Teams IARU HF Championship, CW/SSB ‘Identical’ Sites Identical Antennas + Power Output On-Site Referee for Each Team 200+ official participants
Sao Paulo PY2 Santa Catarina PP5 Rio PY1 Recife PY7 PY CX LU CE ZP CP VP8/f
HQ Island Santa Catarina State (PP5) 28° S
PP5WRTC 50’ tower 20/15/10 Log Per. 2ele 40mtr beam 80/40m dipole Yaesu Rotator Acom 1010 amp. Also PT5I
Programme WedsArrive ThursMeetings FriThe Draw Sat/SunContest MonAwards TuesDepart
QRX Over to Marios
Competitor’s side 5B4WN-5B4AFM
Prior Attempts 2000-Slovenia-S529A 35th 5B4ADA, OH6YF(sk) & 5B4WN 2002-Finland-OJ3X 36th
Lessons learnt This is a TEAM event Team efficiency/interleaving key to success Wise use of technology Familiarisation with technology
WRTC loop
QualifyingQualifying Qualifying contests: –CQWW, WPX, ARRL DX, IARU, WAEDC, Sprints, Sweepstakes –8 best scores, Max 4 as MS –Weighting according to category –Continent slots (UK is EU region1)
CQ WW 2002: 1 st Europe CQWW SOAB CW nd Asia CQWW SOAB SSB st Asia CQWW SOAB CW rd Asia CQWW SOAB SSB th Asia CQWW SOAB CW nd Asia CQWW SOAB SSB st Asia CQWW SOAB CW rd Asia CQWW SOAB SSB th Asia ARRL DX SSB 2003: 2 nd Europe IARU MS LP 2004: 1 st Europe CQWW MS CW 2004: 10 th Europe
Preparing: station design
Preparing: strategy previous log analysis: 25K
Preparing: practice IARU 2005 IARU 2004 G6PZ G6PZ
Problem 1
Problem 2
Post-mortemPost-mortem 38PT5A5B4WN - 5B4AFM 1434 QSOs 189 Mults
ObrigadoObrigado WRTC organisers 5B4ES 5B4AHZ G3BJ G3ZAY G4ZFE G6PZ G6UW G7VJR GU hams F6CTT (TM5C) M2A
QRX Over to Don
The Referee G3XTT One per team Experienced contesters in their own right Selected by K1ZZ G3SXW PY5EG, based on “contesting CV” UK referees: G3LZQ G3XTT GM4AFF G4BWP G5LP
Role of Referee Ensure fair play Transmit scores every hour to WRTC HQ Help to resolve any issues Audio recording Liaise with local host
Trials & Tribulations Set-up Contact with HQ Relations with host The frustration of being a referee! The contest Return to Florianapolis
Adjudication Log and audio file to WRTC HQ The early hours.. Log issues Final results
QRX Over to Roger
Judging Chief:K1ZZ Assist:G3SXW, SM0CXU Data-Base:N6TR, N6ZZ, N5KO Policy:PP5JR, PY5EG
Logging 14WriteLog 11WinTest 9N1MM 8CT 4 Win (top 3 logs) 4Other
Data-Base All WRTC + 1,300 IARU logs Team of 6, data-base in Oregon UBN Reports within 12 hours 4 problem logs –Uniques: 42 Teams 1>3%, 4 Teams 12>15% Delete all Uniques
Highest Scores PointsVE3EJ+VE7ZO2.4m QSOsVE3EJ+VE7ZO2,369 MultsW2SC+K5ZD248 %LossES5TV+ES2RR-1.5% 10 of 46 Teams made 2,000+ QSOs
Most QSOs / Band MtrsCW SSB (70% CW)
The Winners BronzeGold Silver K1DG N2NT VE3EJ VE7ZO N6MJ N2NL PP5JR PY5EG
Time to Party !
Samba ! BA4RF BA7NQ
Next Time Moscow 2010 Rules?