Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june XpandiaVision, Sweden Iwona Preis Mobile phone
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Co-operative Established 2001 by citizens in northwest Stockholm, Järvafältet Immigrant intensive area Deeply rooted locally Works for integration, employment and democratic participation
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Stockholm 18 Municipalities Population Järvafältet Kista Spånga-Tensta Rinkeby Population
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june (from Stockholm town webbpages) RinkebyTensta/ HjulstaHusbyAkallaStockholm Population Foreign background %61%59%46%21% Employment 20/ %51%56%67%75% Women40%47%52%65%74% Men51%54%60%69%75% Average income Women Men Number of workplaces
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Problems in the area High immigrant unemployment Young people not attending school High rate of (young) immigrants on social security Lack of networks in the society and on the labour market Results: social outsiders.
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Statistics spring 1999 RinkebyStockholm Students Boys70,2%88,8% Girls69,5%90,3% Total69,8%89,3% Students qualified to seek to high school program
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Swedish model To take care of all citizens A welfare state XpandiaVision New kind of population groups and problems Help to self help; close to social environment; give time Own methodology; promote own initiatives; create networks; career step
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Initiatives and projects Information campaigns about society adjusted to cultural conditions ESF projects for young unemployed Municipality projects for young outsiders ESF projects for unemployed all ages Cooperation with association “Build your future” within Outstanding/ Foyer
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Society information campaigns Järva and South of Stockholm EU relay, EMU voting, EU questions On a public mission Target group mapping through immigrant & other associations Municipal information translated to main immigrant languages Meetings at associations Local radio & tv channels
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june ESF projects Xpan- young 2003/2005 Ages on social security Labor-market project 169 participants, high and low motivated Broad mobilization to catch a sole individual Group activities and individual follow up 33% further to studies, 25% to work, 25% quit
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june ESF projects ST- Young Continuation of Xpan-Young Goal: to build up a co-operative organisation together with municipalities and associations and create a model for work with unemployed young people : local municipality, state work agency, XpandiaVision
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june ST Young 4 week-introduction Further to internships at companies Maximum 6 months coaching, individual talks All young on welfare automatically into the program Everybody cooperates within local board:police, healthcare, high schools, assoc., politicians, industry
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june Municipality financed projects Young outsiders in Spånga-Tensta Ages 16-24, cooperation with local municipality, and local high schools Goal- to stay at school or to work, fewer quit Way up Rinkeby Guidance of young people ages at risk to get outside of society. Together with Rinkeby Municipality, Somalian and Turkish Ass. Goal- motivation to join activities in local area
Iwona Preis, XpandiaVision, Dublin 23 june FUTURE for XpandiaVision Can show results Has a strong local network Can work on regional level, i.e. To create a regional plan for women’s entrepreneurship and to help small co- operatives seek EU projects together