Mediascope Europe The Digital Generation Pan-European May 2006 Conducted by SPA/Synovate
Presentation Agenda 1.Introduction Research Objective Methodology & Sample 2.Main Findings Mobile Phone Ownership Mobile Phone Usage Time Spent by Media Media Meshing Attitudes Towards Advertising 3.Conclusions
Research Objectives OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE The broad aim of this study is to measure and track changes in media consumption patterns by various demographic and psychographic segments. This work will show when, why and how often people are using different media – in particular usage of the Internet for content, communication and commerce
Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotes were applied on: Age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution within countries Within each territory quotas were set to ensure our sample was representative of each market. Quotes were applied on: Age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution within countries 7,016 interviews across 10 European countries TOTAL SAMPLE Methodology & Sample Benelux Belgium Netherlands Nordics Sweden Norway Denmark Germany – 1,000 Italy – 1,004 Spain – 1,004 France – 1,001 UK – 1,003
7,016 Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATi) were conducted by Synovate on behalf of SPA and the EIAA in 9 EU countries and Norway Fieldwork took place in all territories between 1 st -28 th September 2005 Interviews length ranged from between minutes This wave of the EIAA European Media Consumption Study comprises 7,016 interviews making the results extremely robust at the total EU & Norway level. a sample size of 7016 provides accurate data to ± 1.1 – 0.8% at the 95% confidence level The application of quotas ensured that representative samples were achieved in each country quotas on age, gender, income level, education and regional distribution Results at the total level were weighted to take into account the different country’s population sizes. Using 2005 data from the UN the following weighting matrix was developed Methodology & Sample
The Digital Generation are embracing media convergence… year olds spend more time online than any other demographic Over a third are using new methods such as the mobile phone to surf the net Nearly all year olds in Europe own a mobile phone
Mobile Phone Ownership Q7c. Do you have a mobile phone? EU & NORWAY vs YEAR OLDS
Mobile Service Usage: EU & Norway Q7d. In addition to making phone calls and sending text messages, which of the following activities have you undertaken using your mobile/PDA/Blackberry? [Base: All respondents aged with mobile/PDA/Blackberry] EU & NORWAY vs YEAR OLDS
Likelihood to use Mobile/PDA/Blackberry function in future Q7ei. One a scale of 1-5 where 1 means very unlikely and 5 means very likely, how likely are you to listen to music/watch video or film clips/take photos or record video clips/surf the internet/listen to the radio/watch TV/send and/or receive s via your mobile/PDA/Blackberry? EU & NORWAY vs YEAR OLDS
Time Spent Using Media Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week YEAR OLDS +10% +12% +22% -7% -9%
Time Spent Using The Internet Year Olds Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend using the internet? EU & Norway 16% Increase 22% Increase EU & NORWAY
Time Spent Online Hours Q5ai – Q5aiii. In a typical seven day week, approximately how many hours do you tend to spend using the internet? EU & NORWAY BY DEMOGRAPHIC
Time Spent Online Q5a In a typical week how long do you spend watching television/reading newspapers/reading magazines/listening to the radio/using the internet? Average number of hours per week YEAR OLDS
High attention to Internet as Primary Medium Q5b-f. When you’re mainly watching TV, reading a newspaper, reading a magazine, listening to radio, using the internet, which other media do you sometimes use? When Mainly Watching TV When Mainly Using the Internet 6% 5% 28% 18% 27% 8% MAGAZINE NEWSPAPER RADIO INTERNET TV 24% 27% TV MAGAZINE RADIO NEWSPAPER INTERNET 40% 32% YEAR OLDS
High attention to Internet as Primary Medium Q5b-f. When you’re mainly watching TV, reading a newspaper, reading a magazine, listening to radio, using the internet, which other media do you sometimes use? When Mainly Watching TV When Mainly Using the Internet 3% 11% 18% 27% 6% MAGAZINE NEWSPAPER RADIO INTERNET TV 28% 24% TV MAGAZINE RADIO NEWSPAPER INTERNET 29% 21% EU & NORWAY
Media Meshing 28% of year olds in EU & Norway use the Internet whilst they watch TV, well above the European average of 11% year olds are also likely to read newspapers (24%) and magazines (27%) while they are watching TV. Around 40% of year olds listen to the radio whilst surfing the net. 32% could have TV on in the background Media Meshing more pronounced amongst 16-24s
Attitudes towards Advertising year olds are very positive when it comes to online advertising The internet is considered the second most effective form of advertising amongst year olds
16-24 year olds are embracing media convergence 93% of year olds in Europe have a mobile phone well above the European average of 76% 39% have used there mobile phone to surf the internet and send and receive s and many non-users plan to use these features in the near future 16-24s spend approximately 3 more hours online a week than the average European This Digital Generation is more prone to Media Meshing Conclusions