2012 Field Day Review K8UNS Ford Amateur Radio League Livonia Amateur Radio Club David Treharne September 13, 2012
Livonia Fire Station Field Day Site
Total Score QSO Points: 4,836 Bonus Points: 1,390 Total: 6,226 points 2011: QSO Points: 5,452 Bonus Points: 1,350 Total: 6,902 points
Final Tally Band/Mode QSO Breakdown: CWDigitalPhone QSOsPwr(W)QSOsPwr(W)QSOsPwr(W) 160m 80m m m m m 250 6m m Other Satellite GOTA Total
Bonus Points Bonus Points: DescriptionPoints 100% Emergency power400 Media Publicity100 Information Booth100 NTS message to ARRL SM/SEC100 W1AW Field Day Message100 Formal NTS messages handled - No.=10100 Satellite QSO completed100 Natural power QSOs completed100 Site Visit by invited elected official100 Youth participation40 Youth operators=2 Youth participants=3 Submitted via the Web50 Educational activity100 Total Bonus Points1,390
Sections Worked Only Missed Newfoundland and Manitoba.
Rate of Contacts Per Hour Started out very slow. Worked dupes the first hour. No early morning operators working 80m phone. Two 10m contacts the whole weekend!
Summary of What went Right and Wrong Right Great food, lunch, dinner, breakfast, and lunch again High wire antennas: Fire tower is nice. Plenty of time for set up, since we started on Friday. Fast tear down. Great weather Porta Potty Participation by Kids Wrong R7 Antenna ferrite in pieces Network set up: Needed to try it out beforehand. Did get it going before 2pm! Digital station: Had many problems making contacts Bad propagation given the time in the sunspot cycle Operators: Need more operators when running 4A.
Next Year We will have a new location. Fire tower and land being turned into a retirement community. – New location to set up tents, find ways to put up antennas. Doris and Taz promise to be away on vacation. Need help with food for next year, as they did a great job organizing. Consider putting up fewer antennas. There is now an antenna multiplexer for HF that can run 3 stations from 1 multiband antenna and bandpass filters. We could run SSB, CW, and Digital (or 2 nd SSB) from a single antenna. Need to work on tents: Civitan tent is old, Fire station blow up tent may not be available. Need to have capability of staying out of the rain, and staying relatively cool in the heat of the day.
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